from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from copy import copy
import abel
from import SampleImage
from import rharmonics
from abel.rbasex import rbasex_transform
# This example demonstrates analysis of velocity-map images with "damaged"
# areas, in this case, with some parts obstructed by a beam block (see
# for a practical example).
# First, a general Abel-transform method is used naively to demonstrate
# artifacts produced in the reconstructed image and the extracted radial
# distributions.
# Second, radial distributions are extracted from the same reconstructed image,
# but with its artifacts masked, showing good agreement with the actual
# distributions.
# Third, the rBasex method is used to transform the initial damaged image with
# the experimental artifacts masked, yielding a correct and cleaner
# reconstructed image and correct reconstructed distributions.
R = 150 # image radius
N = 2 * R + 1 # full image width and height
block_r = 20 # beam-block disk radius
block_w = 5 # beam-block holder width
vlim = 3.6 # intensity limits for images
ylim = (-1.3, 2.7) # limits for plots
# create source distribution and its profiles for reference
source = SampleImage(N).func / 100
r_src, P0_src, P2_src = rharmonics(source)
# simulate experimental image:
# projection
im, _ = rbasex_transform(source, direction='forward')
# Poissonian noise
im[im < 0] = 0
im = np.random.RandomState(0).poisson(im)
# image coordinates
im_x = np.arange(float(N)) - R
im_y = R - np.arange(float(N))[:, None]
im_r = np.sqrt(im_x**2 + im_y**2)
# simulate beam-block shadow
im = im / (1 + np.exp(-(im_r - block_r)))
im[:R] *= 1 / (1 + np.exp(-(np.abs(im_x) - block_w)))
# create mask that fully covers beam-block shadow
mask_r = block_r + 5
mask_w = block_w + 5
mask = np.ones_like(im)
mask[im_r < mask_r] = 0
mask[:R, R-mask_w:R+mask_w] = 0
# reconstruct "as is" by a general Abel-transform method
rec_abel = abel.Transform(im, method='two_point').transform
# extract profiles "as is"
r_abel, P0_abel, P2_abel = rharmonics(rec_abel)
# extract profiles from masked reconstruction
r_abel_masked, P0_abel_masked, P2_abel_masked = rharmonics(rec_abel, weights=mask)
# reconstruct masked image with rBasex
rec_rbasex, distr_rbasex = rbasex_transform(im, weights=mask)
r_rbasex, P0_rbasex, P2_rbasex = distr_rbasex.rharmonics()
# plotting...
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
cmap_hot = copy(
cmap_seismic = copy(
def plots(row,
im_title, im, im_mask,
tr_title, tr, tr_mask,
pr_title, r, P0, P2):
# input image
if im is not None:
plt.subplot(3, 4, 4 * row + 1)
im_masked = == 0, im)
plt.imshow(im_masked, cmap=cmap_hot)
# transformed image
plt.subplot(3, 4, 4 * row + 2)
tr_masked = == 0, tr)
plt.imshow(tr_masked, vmin=-vlim, vmax=vlim, cmap=cmap_seismic)
# profiles
plt.subplot(3, 2, 2 * row + 2)
plt.axvspan(0, mask_r, color='lightgray') # shade region without valid data
plt.plot(r_src, P0_src, 'C0--', lw=1)
plt.plot(r_src, P2_src, 'C3--', lw=1)
plt.plot(r, P0, 'C0', lw=1, label='$P_0(r)$')
plt.plot(r, P2, 'C3', lw=1, label='$P_2(r)$')
plt.xlim((0, R))
'Raw image', im, None,
'Two-point', rec_abel, None,
'Profiles', r_abel, P0_abel, P2_abel)
None, None, None,
'Two-point + mask', rec_abel, mask,
'Masked profiles', r_abel_masked, P0_abel_masked, P2_abel_masked)
'Masked image', im, mask,
'rBasex', rec_rbasex, None,
'Profiles', r_rbasex, P0_rbasex, P2_rbasex)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.01, right=0.97, wspace=0.1,
bottom=0.04, top=0.96, hspace=0.3)