Source code for abel.benchmark

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import abel
from . import basex
from . import dasch
from . import daun
from . import direct
from . import hansenlaw
from . import linbasex
from . import onion_bordas
from . import rbasex
from . import tools

from timeit import default_timer as timer
import itertools
import sys

def _ensure_list(x):
    Convert the argument to a list (a scalar becomes a single-element list).
    return [x] if np.ndim(x) == 0 else list(x)

def _roundsf(x, n):
    Round to n significant digits
    return float('{:.{p}g}'.format(x, p=n))

[docs]class Timent(object): """ Helper class for measuring execution times. The constructor only initializes the timing-procedure parameters. Use the :py:meth:`.time` method to run it for particular functions. Parameters ---------- skip : int number of "warm-up" iterations to perform before the measurements. Can be specified as a negative number, then ``abs(skip)`` "warm-up" iterations are performed, but if this took more than **duration** seconds, they are accounted towards the measured iterations. repeat : int minimal number of measured iterations to perform. Must be positive. duration : float minimal duration (in seconds) of the measurements. """ def __init__(self, skip=0, repeat=1, duration=0.0): self.skip = int(skip) self.repeat = int(repeat) self.duration = float(duration)
[docs] def time(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Repeatedly executes a function at least **repeat** times and for at least **duration** seconds (see above), then returns the average time per iteration. The actual number of measured iterations can be retrieved from :py:attr:`Timent.count`. Parameters ---------- func : callable function to execute *args, **kwargs : any, optional parameters to pass to **func** Returns ------- float average function execution time Notes ----- The measurements overhead can be estimated by executing :: Timent(...).time(lambda: None) with a sufficiently large number of iterations (to avoid rounding errors due to the finite timer precision). In 2018, this overhead was on the order of 100 ns per iteration. """ # Execute "skip" iterations unconditionally t0 = timer() for i in range(abs(self.skip)): func(*args, **kwargs) t = timer() # if they took longer than "duration" and should be included if self.skip < 0 and t - t0 > self.duration: # account for them in the "repeat" loop start = -self.skip if start > self.repeat: self.repeat = start else: # otherwise -- reset the timer and proceed normally start = 0 t0 = timer() # Execute "repeat" iterations (maybe accounting for the "skipped") for i in range(start, self.repeat): func(*args, **kwargs) # Continue iterations until "duration" time passes for i in itertools.count(self.repeat): t = timer() if t - t0 > self.duration: self.count = i # save the total number of measured iterations break func(*args, **kwargs) # Return the average time per iteration return (t - t0) / self.count
[docs]class AbelTiming(object): """ Benchmark performance of different Abel implementations (basis generation, forward and inverse transforms, as applicable). Parameters ---------- n : int or sequence of int array size(s) for the benchmark (assuming 2D square arrays (*n*, *n*)) select : str or sequence of str methods to benchmark. Use ``'all'`` (default) for all available or choose any combination of individual methods:: select=['basex', 'direct_C', 'direct_Python', 'hansenlaw', 'linbasex', 'onion_bordas, 'onion_peeling', 'two_point', 'three_point'] repeat : int repeat each benchmark at least this number of times to get the average values t_min : float repeat each benchmark for at least this number of seconds to get the average values t_max : float do not benchmark methods at array sizes when this is expected to take longer than this number of seconds. Notice that benchmarks for the smallest size from **n** are always run and that the estimations can be off by a factor of 2 or so. verbose : boolean determines whether benchmark progress should be reported (to stderr) Attributes ------- n : list of int array sizes from the parameter **n**, sorted in ascending order bs, fabel, iabel : dict of list of float benchmark results — dictionaries for bs basis-set generation fabel forward Abel transform iabel inverse Abel transform with methods as keys and lists of timings in milliseconds as entries. Timings correspond to array sizes in :py:attr:`AbelTiming.n`; for skipped benchmarks (see **t_max**) they are ``np.nan``. Notes ----- The results can be output in a nice format by simply ``print(AbelTiming(...))``. Keep in mind that most methods have :math:`O(n^2)` memory and :math:`O(n^3)` time complexity, so going from *n* = 501 to *n* = 5001 would require about 100 times more memory and take about 1000 times longer. """ def __init__(self, n=[301, 501], select='all', repeat=1, t_min=0.1, t_max=np.inf, verbose=True): self.n = sorted(_ensure_list(n)) select = _ensure_list(select) self.repeat = repeat self.t_max = t_max self.verbose = verbose # create the timing function self._time = Timent(skip=-1, repeat=repeat, duration=t_min).time # which methods need half and whole images need_half = frozenset([ 'basex', 'daun', 'direct_C', 'direct_Python', 'hansenlaw', 'onion_bordas', 'onion_peeling', 'two_point', 'three_point', ]) need_whole = frozenset([ 'linbasex', 'rbasex', ]) # all available methods (= union of the above sets) all_methods = need_half | need_whole # remove direct_C, if not supported if not direct.cython_ext: all_methods = all_methods - frozenset(['direct_C']) # Select methods if 'all' in select: methods = all_methods else: methods = set() for method in select: if method not in all_methods: print('Warning: Unsupported method "{}" ignored!'. format(method)) else: methods.add(method) if not methods: raise ValueError('At least one valid method must be specified!') # dictionary for the results self.res = {'bs': {}, 'forward': {}, 'inverse': {}} # same results as separate dictionaries (aliases to the above) = self.res['bs'] self.fabel = self.res['forward'] self.iabel = self.res['inverse'] # inverse speed for time estimations self._pace = {} # Loop over all image sizes for ni in self.n: = int(ni) # image height and half-width self.h, self.w =, // 2 + 1 # We transform a rectangular image, since we are making the # assumption that we are transforming just the "right side" of # a square image. # see: self._vprint('n =', # The following code tries to catch the interruption signal # (Ctrl+C) to abort as soon as possible but preserve the available # results. Setting a negative time limit makes all remaining # benchmarks to skip (calling them is still needed to fill the # results with nans). # create needed images (half and/or whole) if (self.t_max >= 0): # (do not create while aborting) try: if methods & need_half: self.half_image = np.random.randn(self.h, self.w) if methods & need_whole: self.whole_image = np.random.randn(self.h, self.h) except (KeyboardInterrupt, MemoryError) as e: self._vprint(repr(e) + ' during image creation!' ' Skipping the rest...') self.t_max = -1.0 # (the images will not be used, so leaving them as is) # call benchmark (see below) for each method at this image size for method in methods: self._vprint(' ', method) try: getattr(self, '_time_' + method)() except (KeyboardInterrupt, MemoryError) as e: self._vprint('\n' + repr(e) + '! Skipping the rest...') self.t_max = -1.0 # rerun this interrupted benchmark to nan-fill its results getattr(self, '_time_' + method)() # discard images self.half_image = None self.whole_image = None self._vprint('') def _vprint(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Print to stderr, only if verbose=True. """ if self.verbose: print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) sys.stderr.flush() # (Python 3 buffers stderr. Why?!) def _append(self, kind, method, result): """ Store one result, ensuring that the results array exists. """ if method not in self.res[kind]: self.res[kind][method] = [] self.res[kind][method].append(result) def _benchmark(self, kind, method, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Run benchmark for the function with arguments and store the result. """ self._append(kind, method, self._time(func, *args, **kwargs) * 1000) # [s] to [ms] def _skip(*param): """ Decorator for benchmarking functions. Adds a check whether the estimated execution time would exceed t_max. If so, fills the results with np.nan, otherwise executes the benchmarking code. Parameters are tuples "(kind, method)". Either item can be a list, then all combinations of kind(s) and method(s) are implied. Altogether the set of these kind–method pairs must be the same as in the "normal" execution results. """ # assemble all kind–method pairs res_keys = [] for p in param: res_keys += itertools.product(*map(_ensure_list, p)) def decorator(f): method = f.__name__[6:] # (remove initial "_time_") def decorated(self): # get the estimated time (use 0 if cannot) and report it t_est = self._pace.get(method, 0) ***3 self._vprint(' estimated ' + ('{:g} s'.format(_roundsf(t_est, 2)) if t_est else '???'), end='') # skip the benchmark if it would take too long if t_est > self.t_max: self._vprint(' -- skipped') # fill the results with nan for k, m in res_keys: self._append(k, m, np.nan) return else: # otherwise run the benchmark f(self) # calculate the actual total time and report it t = (sum(self.res[k][m][-1] for k, m in res_keys) * self.repeat) / 1000 # [ms] -> [s] self._vprint(', actually {:.3f} s'.format(t)) # save the pace for future estimations self._pace[method] = t /**3 return decorated return decorator # Benchmarking functions for each method. # Must be named "_time_method", where "method" is as in "select". # Do not take or return anything, but use instance variables: # parameters: #, self.h, self.w -- image size, height, half-width, # self.whole_image, self.half_image -- image (part) to transform # results: # self.res[kind][method] = [timings] -- appended for each image size, # use np.nan for skipped points # kind = 'bs' (basis), 'forward', 'inverse' -- as applicable # method -- as above, but can also include variants (like in basex) @_skip(('bs', 'basex'), (['inverse', 'forward'], ['basex', 'basex(var.reg.)'])) def _time_basex(self): # benchmark the basis generation (default parameters) def gen_basis(): basex.cache_cleanup() basex.get_bs_cached(self.w, basis_dir=None) self._benchmark('bs', 'basex', gen_basis) # benchmark all transforms for direction in ['inverse', 'forward']: # (default first) # get the transform matrix (default parameters) A = basex.get_bs_cached(self.w, basis_dir=None, direction=direction) # benchmark the transform itself self._benchmark(direction, 'basex', basex.basex_core_transform, self.half_image, A) # benchmark the transform with variable regularization def basex_var(): A = basex.get_bs_cached(self.w, reg=1.0+np.random.random(), basis_dir=None, direction=direction) basex.basex_core_transform(self.half_image, A) self._benchmark(direction, 'basex(var.reg.)', basex_var) # discard the unneeded transform matrix basex.cache_cleanup(direction) # discard all caches basex.cache_cleanup() @_skip(('bs', 'daun'), (['inverse', 'forward'], 'daun'), ('inverse', 'daun(var.reg.)')) def _time_daun(self): # benchmark the basis generation (default parameters) def gen_basis(): daun.cache_cleanup() daun.get_bs_cached(self.w) self._benchmark('bs', 'daun', gen_basis) # benchmark all transforms for direction in ['inverse', 'forward']: # (default first) # cache the transform matrix daun.get_bs_cached(self.w, direction=direction) # benchmark the transform itself self._benchmark(direction, 'daun', daun.daun_transform, self.half_image, direction=direction, verbose=False) if direction == 'inverse': # benchmark the transform with variable regularization def daun_var(): daun.daun_transform(self.half_image, reg=1.0 + np.random.random(), verbose=False) self._benchmark('inverse', 'daun(var.reg.)', daun_var) # discard the unneeded transform matrix daun.cache_cleanup(direction) # discard all caches daun.cache_cleanup() @_skip((['inverse', 'forward'], 'direct_C')) def _time_direct_C(self): for direction in ['inverse', 'forward']: self._benchmark(direction, 'direct_C', direct.direct_transform, self.half_image, direction=direction, backend='C') @_skip((['inverse', 'forward'], 'direct_Python')) def _time_direct_Python(self): for direction in ['inverse', 'forward']: self._benchmark(direction, 'direct_Python', direct.direct_transform, self.half_image, direction=direction, backend='python') @_skip((['inverse', 'forward'], 'hansenlaw')) def _time_hansenlaw(self): for direction in ['inverse', 'forward']: self._benchmark(direction, 'hansenlaw', hansenlaw.hansenlaw_transform, self.half_image, direction=direction) @_skip((['bs', 'inverse'], 'linbasex')) def _time_linbasex(self): # benchmark the basis generation (default parameters) def gen_basis(): linbasex.cache_cleanup() linbasex.get_bs_cached(self.h, basis_dir=None) self._benchmark('bs', 'linbasex', gen_basis) # benchmark the transform (basis is already cached) self._benchmark('inverse', 'linbasex', linbasex.linbasex_transform_full, self.whole_image) # discard all caches linbasex.cache_cleanup() @_skip(('inverse', 'onion_bordas')) def _time_onion_bordas(self): self._benchmark('inverse', 'onion_bordas', onion_bordas.onion_bordas_transform, self.half_image) # (Generic function for all Dasch methods; not called directly.) def _time_dasch(self, method): # benchmark the basis generation (default parameters) def gen_basis(): dasch.cache_cleanup() dasch.get_bs_cached(method, self.w, basis_dir=None) self._benchmark('bs', method, gen_basis) # get the transform matrix (is already cached) D = dasch.get_bs_cached(method, self.w, basis_dir=None) # benchmark the transform self._benchmark('inverse', method, dasch.dasch_transform, self.half_image, D) # discard all caches dasch.cache_cleanup() @_skip((['bs', 'inverse'], 'onion_peeling')) def _time_onion_peeling(self): self._time_dasch('onion_peeling') @_skip(('bs', 'rbasex'), (['inverse', 'forward'], ['rbasex', 'rbasex(None)'])) def _time_rbasex(self): # benchmark the basis generation (default parameters) def gen_basis(): rbasex.cache_cleanup() rbasex.get_bs_cached(self.w - 1) # Rmax = half-width - 1 self._benchmark('bs', 'rbasex', gen_basis) # benchmark all transforms for direction in ['inverse', 'forward']: # (default first) # warm-up run to cache "distributions" (basis is already cached) rbasex.rbasex_transform(self.whole_image) # benchmark the transform self._benchmark(direction, 'rbasex', rbasex.rbasex_transform, self.whole_image) # same without output image self._benchmark(direction, 'rbasex(None)', rbasex.rbasex_transform, self.whole_image, out=None) # discard the unneeded transform matrix basex.cache_cleanup(direction) # discard all caches rbasex.cache_cleanup() @_skip((['bs', 'inverse'], 'three_point')) def _time_three_point(self): self._time_dasch('three_point') @_skip((['bs', 'inverse'], 'two_point')) def _time_two_point(self): self._time_dasch('two_point') # (End of benchmarking functions.) def __repr__(self): import platform out = ['PyAbel benchmark run on {}\n'.format(platform.processor()), 'time in milliseconds'] # field widths are chosen to accommodate up to: # method = 15 characters # ni = 99999 (would require at least 75 GB RAM) # time = 9999999.9 ms (almost 3 hours) # data columns are 9 characters wide and separated by 3 spaces TITLE_FORMAT = '=== {} ===' HEADER_ROW = 'Method ' + \ ''.join([' {:>9}'. format('n = {}'.format(ni)) for ni in self.n]) SEP_ROW = '-' * len(HEADER_ROW) ROW_FORMAT = '{:15}' + ' {:9.1f}' * len(self.n) def print_benchmark(name, res): title = '{:=<{w}}'.format(TITLE_FORMAT.format(name), w=len(SEP_ROW)) out = ['\n' + title + '\n'] out += [HEADER_ROW] out += [SEP_ROW] for name, row in sorted(res.items()): out += [ROW_FORMAT.format(name, *row)] return out if out += print_benchmark('Basis generation', out += [''] if self.fabel: out += print_benchmark('Forward Abel transform', self.fabel) out += [''] if self.iabel: out += print_benchmark('Inverse Abel transform', self.iabel) return '\n'.join(out)
[docs]class DistributionsTiming(object): """ Benchmark performance of different VMI distributions implementations. Parameters ---------- n : int or sequence of int array size(s) for the benchmark (assuming full images to be 2D square arrays (*n*, *n*)) shape : str image shape: ``'Q'``: one quadrant ((*n* + 1)/2, (*n* + 1)/2) ``'half'`` (default): half image (*n*, (*n* + 1)/2), vertically centered ``'full'``: full image (*n*, *n*), centered rmax : str or sequence of str ``'MIN'`` (default) and/or ``'all'``, see **rmax** in :class:`` order : int highest order in the angular distributions. Even number ≥ 0. weight : str or sequence of str weighting to test. Use ``'all'`` for all available or choose any combination of individual types:: weight=['none', 'sin', 'array', 'sin+array'] method : str or sequence of str methods to benchmark. Use ``'all'`` (default) for all available or choose any combination of individual methods:: method=['nearest', 'linear', 'remap'] repeat : int repeat each benchmark at least this number of times to get the average values t_min : float repeat each benchmark for at least this number of seconds to get the average values Attributes ------- n : list of int array sizes from the parameter **n** results : dict of dict of dict of list of tuple of float benchmark results — multi-level dictionary, in which ``results[method][rmax][weight]`` is the list of timings in milliseconds corresponding to array sizes in :py:attr:`DistributionsTiming.n`. Each timing is a tuple (*t*:sub:`1`, *t*:sub:`∞`) with *t*:sub:`1` corresponding to single-image (non-cached) performance, and *t*:sub:`∞` corresponding to batch (cached) performance. Notes ----- The results can be output in a nice format by simply ``print(DistributionsTiming(...))``. """ def __init__(self, n=[301, 501], shape='half', rmax='MIN', order=2, weight=['none', 'sin', 'sin+array'], method='all', repeat=1, t_min=0.1): self.n = _ensure_list(n) if shape == 'Q': origin = 'll' self.shape = 'One quadrant' elif shape == 'half': origin = 'cl' self.shape = 'Half image' elif shape == 'full': origin = 'cc' self.shape = 'Full image' else: raise ValueError('Incorrect shape "{}"'.format(shape)) self.rmaxs = rmaxs = _ensure_list(rmax) self.order = order weights = _ensure_list(weight) if 'all' in weights: weights = ['none', 'sin', 'array', 'sin+array'] self.weights = weights methods = _ensure_list(method) if 'all' in methods: methods = ['nearest', 'linear', 'remap'] self.methods = methods # create the timing function time = Timent(skip=-1, repeat=repeat, duration=t_min).time # dictionary for the results self.results = {m: {r: {w: [] for w in weights} for r in rmaxs} for m in methods} from import Ibeta, Distributions # make sure that everything is loaded # (otherwise the 1st timing call is very slow) Ibeta(np.array([[0]])) # Loop over all image sizes for ni in self.n: ni = int(ni) # create image and weight array rows = (ni + 1) // 2 if shape == 'Q' else ni cols = (ni + 1) // 2 if shape in ['Q', 'half'] else ni IM = np.random.randn(rows, cols) warray = np.random.randn(rows, cols) # benchmark each combination of parameters for method in methods: for rmax in rmaxs: for weight in weights: if weight == 'none': w = {'use_sin': False, 'weights': None} elif weight == 'sin': w = {'use_sin': True, 'weights': None} elif weight == 'array': w = {'use_sin': False, 'weights': warray} elif weight == 'sin+array': w = {'use_sin': True, 'weights': warray} else: raise ValueError('Incorrect weight "{}"'. format(weight)) # single-image t1 = time(Ibeta, IM, origin, rmax, order, method=method, **w) # cached distr = Distributions(origin, rmax, order, method=method, **w) distr(IM) # trigger precalculations def distrIMIbeta(IM): return distr(IM).Ibeta() tn = time(distrIMIbeta, IM) # save results self.results[method][rmax][weight].append((t1 * 1000, tn * 1000)) def __repr__(self): import platform out = ['PyAbel benchmark run on {}\n'.format(platform.processor()), 'order = {}, time in milliseconds'.format(self.order)] # field widths are chosen to accommodate up to: # rmax + weight = 3 leading spaces + 14 characters # ni = 99999 # time = 9999999.9 ms (almost 3 hours) # data columns are 9 characters wide and separated by 3 spaces TITLE_FORMAT = '=== ' + self.shape + ', {} ===' HEADER_ROW = 'Method ' + \ ''.join([' {:>9}'. format('n = {}'.format(ni)) for ni in self.n]) SEP_ROW = '-' * len(HEADER_ROW) ROW_FORMAT = ' {}, {:9}' + ' {:9.1f}' * len(self.n) def print_benchmark(mode): title = '{:=<{w}}'.format(TITLE_FORMAT.format(mode), w=len(SEP_ROW)) out = ['\n' + title + '\n'] out += [HEADER_ROW] out += [SEP_ROW] for method in self.methods: out += [method] resm = self.results[method] for rmax in self.rmaxs: resr = resm[rmax] for weight in self.weights: res = resr[weight] t = list(zip(*res))[0 if mode == 'single' else 1] out += [ROW_FORMAT.format(rmax, str(weight), *t)] return out out += print_benchmark('single') out += [''] out += print_benchmark('cached') return '\n'.join(out)
[docs]def is_symmetric(arr, i_sym=True, j_sym=True): """ Takes in an array of shape (n, m) and check if it is symmetric Parameters ---------- arr : 1D or 2D array i_sym : array symmetric with respect to the 1st axis j_sym : array symmetric with respect to the 2nd axis Returns ------- a binary array with the symmetry condition for the corresponding quadrants Notes ----- If both **i_sym** = ``True`` and **j_sym** = ``True``, the input array is checked for polar symmetry. See `issue #34 comment <>`__ for the defintion of a center of the image. """ Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3 = tools.symmetry.get_image_quadrants( arr, reorient=False) if i_sym and not j_sym: valid_flag = [np.allclose(np.fliplr(Q1), Q0), np.allclose(np.fliplr(Q2), Q3)] elif not i_sym and j_sym: valid_flag = [np.allclose(np.flipud(Q1), Q2), np.allclose(np.flipud(Q0), Q3)] elif i_sym and j_sym: valid_flag = [np.allclose(np.flipud(np.fliplr(Q1)), Q3), np.allclose(np.flipud(np.fliplr(Q0)), Q2)] else: raise ValueError('Checking for symmetry with both i_sym=False \ and j_sym=False does not make sense!') return np.array(valid_flag)
[docs]def absolute_ratio_benchmark(analytical, recon, kind='inverse'): """ Check the absolute ratio between an analytical function and the result of a inverse Abel reconstruction. Parameters ---------- analytical : one of the classes from analytical, initialized recon : 1D ndarray a reconstruction (i.e. inverse abel) given by some PyAbel implementation """ mask = analytical.mask_valid if kind == 'inverse': func = analytical.func elif kind == 'forward': func = analytical.abel err = func[mask]/recon[mask] return err