Source code for abel.rbasex

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import os.path
from os import listdir
import re
from glob import glob

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import inv, solve_triangular, svd, pascal, invpascal
from scipy.optimize import nnls

import abel
from import Distributions
from import put_image_quadrants

# rBasex — Abel transform for velocity-map images (~spherical harmonics),
#          similar to pBasex, but with analytical basis functions and without
#          pixel-grid transformation; a simplified version of the method
#          described in M. Ryazanov Ph.D. dissertation.
# pBasex:
#   Gustavo A. Garcia, Laurent Nahon, Ivan Powis,
#   “Two-dimensional charged particle image inversion using a polar basis
#    function expansion”,
#   Review of Scientific Instruments 75, 4989 (2004).
# Ryazanov:
#   Mikhail Ryazanov,
#   “Development and implementation of methods for sliced velocity map imaging.
#    Studies of overtone-induced dissociation and isomerization dynamics of
#    hydroxymethyl radical (CH₂OH and CD₂OH)”,
#   Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California, 2012.

# Caches and their parameters
_prm = None  # [shape, origin, rmax, order, odd]
_weights = None  # weights — pixel weights
_dst = None  # Distributions object
_bs_prm = None  # [Rmax, order, odd]
_bs = None  # [P[n]] — projected functions
_ibs = None  # [rbin, wl, wu, cos^n] — arrays for image construction
_trf = None  # [Af[n]] — forward transform matrices
_tri_full = None  # [Ai[n]] — inverse-transform matrices without mask and reg
_tri_prm = None  # [reg] — regularization parameters
_tri = None  # [Ai[n]] — inverse-transform matrices (or Af for reg='pos')

[docs]def rbasex_transform(IM, origin='center', rmax='MIN', order=2, odd=False, weights=None, direction='inverse', reg=None, out='same', basis_dir=None, verbose=False): r""" This function takes the input image and outputs its forward or inverse Abel transform as an image and its radial distributions. The **origin**, **rmax**, **order**, **odd** and **weights** parameters are passed to :class:``, so see its documentation for their detailed descriptions. Parameters ---------- IM : m × n numpy array the image to be transformed origin : tuple of int or str image origin, explicit in the (row, column) format, or as a location string (by default, the image center) rmax : int or string largest radius to include in the transform (by default, the largest radius with at least one full quadrant of data) order : int highest angular order present in the data, ≥ 0 (by default, 2). Working with very high orders (≳ 15) can result in excessive noise, especially at small radii and for narrow peaks. odd : bool include odd angular orders (by default is `False`, but is enabled automatically if **order** is odd) weights : m × n numpy array, optional weighting factors for each pixel. The array shape must match the image shape. Parts of the image can be excluded from analysis by assigning zero weights to their pixels. By default is `None`, which applies equal weight to all pixels. direction : str: ``'forward'`` or ``'inverse'`` type of Abel transform to be performed (by default, inverse) reg : None or str or tuple (str, float), optional regularization to use for inverse Abel transform. ``None`` (default) means no regularization, a string selects a non-parameterized regularization method, and parameterized methods are selected by a tuple (`method`, `strength`). Available methods are: ``('L2', strength)``: Tikhonov :math:`L_2` regularization with `strength` as the square of the Tikhonov factor. This is the same as “Tikhonov regularization” used in BASEX, with almost identical effects on the radial distributions. ``('diff', strength)``: Tikhonov regularization with the difference operator (approximation of the derivative) multiplied by the square root of `strength` as the Tikhonov matrix. This tends to produce less blurring, but more negative overshoots than ``'L2'``. ``('SVD', strength)``: truncated SVD (singular value decomposition) with N = `strength` × **rmax** largest singular values removed for each angular order. This mimics the approach proposed (but in fact not used) in pBasex. `Not recommended` due to generally poor results. ``'pos'``: non-parameterized method, finds the best (in the least-squares sense) solution with non-negative :math:`\cos^n\theta \sin^m\theta` terms (see :meth:``). For **order** = 0, 1, and 2 (with **odd** = `False`) this is equivalent to :math:`I(r, \theta) \geqslant 0`; for higher orders this assumption is stronger than :math:`I \geqslant 0` and corresponds to no interference between different multiphoton channels. Not implemented for odd orders > 1. Notice that this method is nonlinear, which also means that it is considerably slower than the linear methods and the transform operator cannot be cached. In all cases, `strength` = 0 provides no regularization. For the Tikhonov methods, `strength` ~ 100 is a reasonable value for megapixel images. For truncated SVD, `strength` must be < 1; `strength` ~ 0.1 is a reasonable value; `strength` ~ 0.5 can produce noticeable ringing artifacts. See the :ref:`full description <rBasexmathreg>` and examples there. out : str or None shape of the output image: ``'same'`` (default): same shape and origin as the input ``'fold'`` (fastest): Q0 (upper right) quadrant (for ``odd=False``) or right half (for ``odd=True``) up to **rmax**, but limited to the largest input-image quadrant (or half) ``'unfold'``: like ``'fold'``, but symmetrically “unfolded” to all 4 quadrants ``'full'``: all pixels with radii up to **rmax** ``'full-unique'``: the unique part of ``'full'``: Q0 (upper right) quadrant for ``odd=False``, right half for ``odd=True`` ``None``: no image (**recon** will be ``None``). Can be useful to avoid unnecessary calculations when only the transformed radial distributions (**distr**) are needed. basis_dir : str, optional path to the directory for saving / loading the basis set (useful only for the inverse transform without regularization; time savings in other cases are small and might be negated by the disk-access overhead). Use ``''`` for the default directory. If ``None`` (default), the basis set will not be loaded from or saved to disk. verbose : bool print information about processing (for debugging), disabled by default Returns ------- recon : 2D numpy array or None the transformed image. Is centered and might have different dimensions than the input image. distr : Distributions.Results object the object from which various distributions for the transformed image can be retrieved, see :class:`` """ if order == 0: odd = False # (to eliminate additional checks) elif order % 2: odd = True # enable automatically for odd orders # extract radial profiles from input image p = _profiles(IM, origin, rmax, order, odd, weights, verbose) # (caches Distributions as _dst) Rmax = _dst.rmax # get appropriate transform matrices A = get_bs_cached(Rmax, order, odd, direction, reg, _dst.valid, basis_dir, verbose) # transform radial profiles if reg == 'pos': if verbose: print('Solving NNLS equations...') N = len(p) p = np.hstack(p) cs = nnls(A, p)[0] cs = np.split(cs, N) if odd: # (1 ± cos) / 2 → cos^0, cos^1 c = [cs[0] + cs[1], cs[0] - cs[1]] else: # cossin → cos transform C = np.flip(invpascal(N, 'upper')) c = else: if verbose: print('Applying radial transforms...') c = [ for An, pn in zip(A, p)] # construct output (transformed) distributions distr = Distributions.Results(np.arange(Rmax + 1), np.array(c), order, odd, _dst.valid) if out is None: return None, distr # output size if out == 'same': height = _dst.shape[0] if odd else _dst.VER + 1 width = _dst.HOR + 1 row = _dst.row if odd else 0 elif out in ['fold', 'unfold']: height = _dst.Qheight width = _dst.Qwidth row = _dst.row if odd else 0 elif out in ['full', 'full-unique']: height = 2 * Rmax + 1 if odd else Rmax + 1 width = Rmax + 1 row = Rmax if odd else 0 else: raise ValueError('Wrong output shape "{}"'.format(out)) # construct output image from transformed radial profiles if verbose: print('Constructing output image...') # bottom right quadrant or right half recon = _image(height, width, row, c, verbose) if odd: if out not in ['fold', 'full-unique']: # combine with left half (mirrored without central column) recon = np.hstack((recon[:, :0:-1], recon)) else: # even only recon = recon[::-1] # flip to Q0 if out not in ['fold', 'full-unique']: # assemble full image recon = put_image_quadrants((recon, recon, recon, recon), (2 * height - 1, 2 * width - 1)) if out == 'same': # crop as needed row = 0 if odd else _dst.VER - _dst.row col = _dst.HOR - _dst.col H, W = IM.shape recon = recon[row:row + H, col:col + W] return recon, distr
def _profiles(IM, origin, rmax, order, odd, weights, verbose): """ Get radial profiles of cos^n theta terms from the input image. """ # the Distributions object is cached to speed up further calculations, # plus its cos^n theta matrices are used later to construct the transformed # image global _prm, _weights, _dst, _ibs, _trf, _tri_prm, _tri old_valid = None if _dst is None else _dst.valid if verbose: print('Extracting radial profiles...') prm = [IM.shape, origin, rmax, order, odd] if _prm != prm or _weights is not weights: _prm = prm _weights = weights _dst = Distributions(origin=origin, rmax=rmax, order=order, odd=odd, weights=weights, use_sin=False, method='linear') if verbose: print('(new Distributions object created)') # reset image basis _ibs = None else: if verbose: print('(reusing cached Distributions object)') c = _dst(IM).cos() if not np.array_equal(_dst.valid, old_valid): # reset transforms _trf = None _tri_prm = None _tri = None return c def _get_image_bs(height, width, row, verbose): global _ibs if _ibs is not None: if verbose: print('(using cached image basis)') return _ibs # _dst quadrant has the minimal size, so height and width either equal its # dimensions, or at least one of them is larger if height == _dst.Qheight and width == _dst.Qwidth: if verbose: print('(using image basis from Distributions object)') # use arrays already computed in _dst _ibs = [_dst.bin, _dst.wl, _dst.wu, _dst.c] else: # height > _dst.Qheight or width > _dst.Qwidth # compute arrays of requested size rmax = _dst.rmax # x row x = np.arange(float(width)) # y and y^2 columns y = row - np.arange(float(height))[:, None] y2 = y**2 # arrays of r^2 and r r2 = x**2 + y2 r = np.sqrt(r2) # radial bins (as "indexing integers") rbin = r.astype(np.intp) # round down (floor) rbin[rbin > rmax] = rmax + 1 # last bin is then discarded # weights for upper and lower bins wu = r - rbin wl = 1 - wu # cos^n theta cos = [None] # (cos^0 theta is not used) if _dst.odd: r[row, 0] = np.inf # (avoid division by zero) cos.append(y / r) # cos^1 theta else: r2[0, 0] = np.inf # (avoid division by zero; row = 0) cos.append(y2 / r2) # cos^2 theta for n in range(2, len(_dst.c)): # remaining powers cos.append(cos[1] * cos[n - 1]) if verbose: print('(image basis constructed)') _ibs = [rbin, wl, wu, cos] return _ibs def _image(height, width, row, c, verbose): """ Create transformed image (lower right quadrant for even-only, right half for odd) from its cos^n theta radial profiles. """ rbin, wl, wu, cos = _get_image_bs(height, width, row, verbose) # 0th order (isotropic) IM = (wl * np.append(c[0], [0])[rbin] + # lower bins wu * np.append(c[0][1:], [0, 0])[rbin]) # upper bins # add all other orders for cn, cosn in zip(c[1:], cos[1:]): IM += (wl * np.append(cn, [0])[rbin] + wu * np.append(cn[1:], [0, 0])[rbin]) * cosn # (weighting for each order is somehow faster than processing lower and # upper bins separately and then combining) return IM def _bs_rbasex(Rmax, order, odd): """ Compute radial parts of basis projections for R and radii up to Rmax. """ # all needed orders (even or all) from 0 to order orders = range(0, order + 1, 1 if odd else 2) # list of matrces for projections: P[i][R, r] = p_{R:n_i}(r), # sampled at r = 0, ..., R, for R = 0, ..., Rmax and orders n P = [np.eye(Rmax + 1, order='F') for n in orders] # ('F' is faster here) # (p_{0;0}(0) = 1 indeed, but p_{0;n}(0) = 0 for all other orders, # so P[i][0, 0] are also set to 1 to make P[i] nondegenerate) # fill p_{R>0;0}(0) = 2 (all other p_{R>0;n}(0) = 0 already) P[0][1:, 0] = 2 # fill all other r > 0 columns (only functions with R >= r are non-zero) for r in range(1, Rmax + 1): # all needed R - 1, R, R + 1 for current r R = np.arange(r - 1, Rmax + 2, dtype=float) # rho = max(r, R) rho = R.copy() rho[0] = r # since z = sqrt(R^2 - r^2) for R >= r, otherwise 0, # it is z = sqrt(max(r, R)^2 - r^2) = sqrt(rho^2 - r^2) z = np.sqrt(rho**2 - r**2) f = r / rho # "f" means "fraction r / rho" rln = r * np.log(z + rho) # define F_n for all needed n F = {-1: (z / f + rln) / 2, 0: z} if order >= 1: F[1] = rln if order >= 2: F[2] = r * np.arccos(f) if order >= 3: F[3] = z * f if order >= 4: fn = f.copy() # current (r / rho)^n for n in range(2, order - 1): # from 4 - 2 to order - 2 fn *= f F[n + 2] = (z * fn + (n - 1) * F[n]) / n # compute p_{R;n}(r) for all needed R and n for i, n in enumerate(orders): rFRF = r * F[n - 1] - R * F[n] P[i][r:, r] = 2 * (2 * rFRF[1:-1] - rFRF[2:] - rFRF[:-2]) # R >= r at R R - 1 R + 1 return P def _load_bs(basis_dir, Rmax, order, odd, inv=False, verbose=False): """ Try to load the basis set and inverse transform matrices from the best suitable file. Returns (bs, tri), where tri might be None, or (None, None) on failure. """ if basis_dir is None: return None, None def full_path(file_name): return os.path.join(basis_dir, file_name) # exact file name basis_file = 'rbasex_basis_{}_{}{}{}.npy'.\ format(Rmax, order, 'o' if odd else '', 'i' if inv else '') if os.path.exists(full_path(basis_file)): # have exactly needed best_file = basis_file best_prm = {'Rmax': Rmax, 'order': order, 'odd': odd, 'inv': inv} else: # Find the best (smallest among sufficient) best_file = None best_size = np.inf mask = re.compile(r'rbasex_basis_(\d+)_(\d+)(o{})(i?)\.npy'. format('' if odd else '?')) for f in listdir(basis_dir): # filter rBasex files match = mask.match(f) if not match: continue # extract file parameters f_Rmax, f_order = map(int, match.groups()[:2]) f_odd, f_inv = map(bool, match.groups()[2:]) # skip insufficient files if f_Rmax < Rmax or f_order < order: continue # estimate total size (elements) size = f_Rmax**2 * f_order // (1 if f_odd else 2) # empirical penalty for no inverse when it is needed if inv and not f_inv: size *= Rmax # skip files larger than sufficient if size > best_size: continue # remember the best so far best_file = f best_size = size best_prm = {'Rmax': f_Rmax, 'order': f_order, 'odd': f_odd, 'inv': f_inv} if best_file is None: return None, None if verbose: print('Loading basis set from', best_file) try: bs = np.load(full_path(best_file)) except ValueError: print('Cached basis file incompatible!') return None, None # pick orders parity if best_prm['odd'] > odd: # odd present but not needed bs = bs[::2] # take only even if verbose: print('(odd orders skipped)') # crop orders if best_prm['order'] > order: n = 1 + (order if odd else order // 2) bs = bs[:n] if verbose: print('(higher orders skipped)') # crop to Rmax if best_prm['Rmax'] > Rmax: bs = [M[:Rmax + 1, :Rmax + 1] for M in bs] if verbose: print('(cropped to {})'.format(Rmax)) # separate into P and Ai if best_prm['inv']: if inv: tri = [] for n in range(len(bs)): # extract upper triangular part M = np.triu(bs[n]) # invert diagonal (it corresponds to P[n]) M[np.diag_indices_from(M)] = 1 / np.diag(M) # store Ai[n] = inv(P[n].T) tri.append(M) # leave only lower triangular part for P[n] bs[n] = np.tril(bs[n]) else: # inverse not needed for n in range(len(bs)): bs[n] = np.tril(bs[n]) # keep only lower triangular part Pn tri = None else: tri = None return bs, tri def _save_bs(basis_dir, Rmax, order, odd, bs, tri=False, verbose=False): """ Try to save the basis set and, if needed, the inverse transform matrix. """ if basis_dir is None: return has_odd = 'o' if odd else '' if tri is not None: has_inv = 'i' out = [] for P, Ai in zip(bs, tri): # combine lower triangular P with upper triangular Ai without main # diagonal (restored on load as diag(Ai) = 1 / diag(P)) M = np.triu(Ai, 1) M += P out.append(M) else: has_inv = '' out = bs file_name = 'rbasex_basis_{}_{}{}{}.npy'.format(Rmax, order, has_odd, has_inv) if verbose: print('Saving basis set to disk as', file_name), file_name), out)
[docs]def get_bs_cached(Rmax, order=2, odd=False, direction='inverse', reg=None, valid=None, basis_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Internal function. Gets the basis set (from cache or runs computations and caches them) and calculates the transform matrix. Loaded/calculated matrices are also cached in memory. Parameters ---------- Rmax : int largest radius to be transformed order : int highest angular order odd : bool include odd angular orders direction : str: ``'forward'`` or ``'inverse'`` type of Abel transform to be performed reg : None or str or tuple (str, float) regularization type and strength for inverse transform valid : None or bool array flags to exclude invalid radii from transform basis_dir : str, optional path to the directory for saving / loading the basis set. Use ``''`` for the default directory. If ``None``, the basis set will not be loaded from or saved to disk. verbose : bool print some debug information Returns ------- A : list of 2D numpy arrays (**Rmax** + 1) × (**Rmax** + 1) matrices of the Abel transform (forward or inverse) for each angular order """ global _bs_prm, _bs, _trf, _tri_full, _tri_prm, _tri if basis_dir == '': basis_dir = abel.transform.get_basis_dir(make=True) new_bs = False # new basis set computed (for saving to disk) prm = [Rmax, order, odd] if _bs is None or _bs_prm != prm: _bs_prm = prm # try to load basis set and maybe inverse-transform matrices _bs, _tri_full = _load_bs(basis_dir, Rmax, order, odd, direction == 'inverse' and reg is None, verbose) if _bs is None: if verbose: print('Computing basis set...') _bs = _bs_rbasex(Rmax, order, odd) new_bs = True # reset transforms _trf = None _tri_prm = None _tri = None else: if verbose: print('Using cached basis set') if valid is None or valid.all(): invalid = None else: invalid = np.logical_not(valid) def mask(A): # Zero rows for output radii without data (columns do not need to be # zeroed, since input profiles already have zeros there). # Array is modified; to preserve the original — pass a copy. if invalid is not None: A[invalid] = 0 return A def Af(): # Make optionally masked forward-transform matrices. if invalid is None: return [Pn.T for Pn in _bs] else: return [mask(Pn.T.copy()) for Pn in _bs] if direction == 'forward': if _trf is None: if new_bs: _save_bs(basis_dir, Rmax, order, odd, _bs, None, verbose) if verbose: print('Creating forward-transform matrices...') _trf = Af() return _trf else: # 'inverse' if _tri_prm != [reg]: _tri_prm = [reg] if reg is None: # calculate full inverse matrices, if not yet if _tri_full is None: if verbose: print('Calculating inverse-transform matrices...') # P[n] are triangular, thus can be inverted faster than # general matrices, however, NumPy/SciPy do not have such # functions; nevertheless, solve_triangular() is ~twice # faster than inv() (and ...(Pn, I, lower=True).T is faster # than ...(Pn.T, I)) I = np.eye(Rmax + 1) _tri_full = [solve_triangular(Pn, I, lower=True).T for Pn in _bs] new_bs = True # mask invalid radii _tri = [mask(An.copy()) for An in _tri_full] elif reg == 'pos': # non-negative cos sin if verbose: print('Preparing matrices for NNLS equations...') # Construct forward transform matrix cossin → cos projections. # Notes: # 1. By reversing orders, it also could be made triangular for # more effective inversion, but nnls() does not care. # 2. This code is not optimized, but its execution time is # still negligible compared to nnls(). if odd: if order > 1: raise ValueError('reg="pos" is not implemented for ' 'odd orders > 1') # use (1 ± cos) / 2 A0, A1 = Af() A = [[A0, A0], [A1, -A1]] else: # even only N = 1 + order // 2 # cossin → cos transform C = np.flip(invpascal(N, 'upper')) # blocks for each order combination A = [[C[n, m] * An for m in range(N)] for n, An in enumerate(Af())] # make single matrix from blocks _tri = np.block(A) elif np.ndim(reg) == 0: # not sequence type raise ValueError('Wrong regularization format "{}"'. format(reg)) elif reg[0] == 'L2': # Tikhonov L2 norm if verbose: print('Calculating L2-regularized transform matrices...') E = np.diag([reg[1]] * (Rmax + 1)) # regularized inverse for each angular order _tri = [ + E)) for An in Af()] elif reg[0] == 'diff': # Tikhonov derivative if verbose: print('Calculating diff-regularized transform matrices...') # GTG = reg D^T D, where D is 1st-order difference operator GTG = 2 * np.eye(Rmax + 1) - \ np.eye(Rmax + 1, k=-1) - \ np.eye(Rmax + 1, k=1) GTG[0, 0] = 1 GTG[-1, -1] = 1 GTG *= reg[1] # regularized inverse for each angular order _tri = [ + GTG)) for An in Af()] elif reg[0] == 'SVD': if verbose: print('Calculating SVD-regularized transform matrices...') if reg[1] > 1: raise ValueError('Wrong SVD truncation factor {} > 1'. format(reg[1])) # truncation index (smallest SV of P -> largest SV of inverse) smax = int((1 - reg[1]) * Rmax) + 1 _tri = [] # loop over angular orders for An in Af(): U, s, Vh = svd(An.T) # truncate matrices U = U[:, :smax] s = 1 / s[:smax] # inverse Vh = Vh[:smax] # regularized inverse for this angular order _tri.append((U * s).dot(Vh)) else: raise ValueError('Wrong regularization type "{}"'. format(reg[0])) if new_bs: _save_bs(basis_dir, Rmax, order, odd, _bs, _tri_full, verbose) return _tri
[docs]def cache_cleanup(select='all'): """ Utility function. Frees the memory caches created by ``get_bs_cached()``. This is usually pointless, but might be required after working with very large images, if more RAM is needed for further tasks. Parameters ---------- select : str selects which caches to clean: ``all`` (default) everything, including basis; ``forward`` forward transform; ``inverse`` inverse transform. Returns ------- None """ global _prm, _dst, _bs_prm, _bs, _ibs, _trf, _tri_full, _tri_prm, _tri if select == 'all': _prm = None _dst = None _bs_prm = None _bs = None _ibs = None if select in ('all', 'forward'): _trf = None if select in ('all', 'inverse'): _tri_full = None _tri_prm = None _tri = None
[docs]def basis_dir_cleanup(basis_dir=''): """ Utility function. Deletes basis sets saved on disk. Parameters ---------- basis_dir : str or None absolute or relative path to the directory with saved basis sets. Use ``''`` for the default directory. ``None`` does nothing. Returns ------- None """ if basis_dir == '': basis_dir = abel.transform.get_basis_dir(make=False) if basis_dir is None: return files = glob(os.path.join(basis_dir, 'rbasex_basis_*.npy')) for fname in files: os.remove(fname)