Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from import reproject_image_into_polar
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates, uniform_filter1d
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import shift
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.linalg import hankel, inv, pascal
from scipy.special import legendre

[docs]def angular_integration(IM, origin=None, Jacobian=True, dr=1, dt=None): r"""Angular integration of the image. Returns the one-dimensional intensity profile as a function of the radial coordinate. Note: the use of Jacobian=True applies the correct Jacobian for the integration of a 3D object in spherical coordinates. Parameters ---------- IM : 2D numpy.array The data image. origin : tuple Image center coordinate relative to *bottom-left* corner defaults to ``rows//2, cols//2``. Jacobian : boolean Include :math:`r\sin\theta` in the angular sum (integration). Also, ``Jacobian=True`` is passed to :func:``, which includes another value of ``r``, thus providing the appropriate total Jacobian of :math:`r^2\sin\theta`. dr : float Radial coordinate grid spacing, in pixels (default 1). `dr=0.5` may reduce pixel granularity of the speed profile. dt : float Theta coordinate grid spacing in radians. if ``dt=None``, dt will be set such that the number of theta values is equal to the height of the image (which should typically ensure good sampling.) Returns ------ r : 1D numpy.array radial coordinates speeds : 1D numpy.array Integrated intensity array (vs radius). """ polarIM, R, T = reproject_image_into_polar( IM, origin, Jacobian=Jacobian, dr=dr, dt=dt) dt = T[0, 1] - T[0, 0] if Jacobian: # x r sinθ polarIM = polarIM * R * np.abs(np.sin(T)) speeds = np.trapz(polarIM, axis=1, dx=dt) n = speeds.shape[0] return R[:n, 0], speeds # limit radial coordinates range to match speed
[docs]def average_radial_intensity(IM, **kwargs): """Calculate the average radial intensity of the image, averaged over all angles. This differs form :func:`` only in that it returns the average intensity, and not the integrated intensity of a 3D image. It is equivalent to calling :func:`` with `Jacobian=True` and then dividing the result by 2*pi. Parameters ---------- IM : 2D numpy.array The data image. kwargs : additional keyword arguments to be passed to :func:`` Returns ------- r : 1D numpy.array radial coordinates intensity : 1D numpy.array one-dimensional intensity profile as a function of the radial coordinate. """ R, intensity = angular_integration(IM, Jacobian=False, **kwargs) intensity /= 2 * np.pi return R, intensity
[docs]def radial_integration(IM, radial_ranges=None): r""" Intensity variation in the angular coordinate. This function is the :math:`\theta`-coordinate complement to :func:`` Evaluates intensity vs angle for defined radial ranges. Determines the anisotropy parameter for each radial range. See :doc:`examples/ <examples>` Parameters ---------- IM : 2D numpy.array Image data radial_ranges : list of tuple ranges or int step tuple integration ranges ``[(r0, r1), (r2, r3), ...]`` evaluates the intensity vs angle for the radial ranges ``r0_r1``, ``r2_r3``, etc. int the whole radial range ``(0, step), (step, 2*step), ..`` Returns ------- Beta : array of tuples (beta0, error_beta_fit0), (beta1, error_beta_fit1), ... corresponding to the radial ranges Amplitude : array of tuples (amp0, error_amp_fit0), (amp1, error_amp_fit1), ... corresponding to the radial ranges Rmidpt : numpy float 1d array radial-mid point of each radial range Intensity_vs_theta: 2D numpy.array Intensity vs angle distribution for each selected radial range. theta: 1D numpy.array Angle coordinates, referenced to vertical direction. """ polarIM, r_grid, theta_grid = reproject_image_into_polar(IM) theta = theta_grid[0, :] # theta coordinates r = r_grid[:, 0] # radial coordinates if radial_ranges is None: radial_ranges = 1 if isinstance(radial_ranges, int): rr = np.arange(0, r[-1], radial_ranges) # @DanHickstein clever code to map ranges radial_ranges = list(zip(rr[:-1], rr[1:])) Intensity_vs_theta = [] radial_midpt = [] Beta = [] Amp = [] for rr in radial_ranges: subr = np.logical_and(r >= rr[0], r <= rr[1]) # sum intensity across radius of spectral feature intensity_vs_theta_at_R = np.sum(polarIM[subr], axis=0) Intensity_vs_theta.append(intensity_vs_theta_at_R) radial_midpt.append(np.mean(rr)) beta, amp = anisotropy_parameter(theta, intensity_vs_theta_at_R) Beta.append(beta) Amp.append(amp) return Beta, Amp, radial_midpt, Intensity_vs_theta, theta
[docs]def anisotropy_parameter(theta, intensity, theta_ranges=None): r""" Evaluate anisotropy parameter :math:`\beta`, for :math:`I` vs :math:`\theta` data. .. math:: I = \frac{\sigma_\text{total}}{4\pi} [ 1 + \beta P_2(\cos\theta) ] where :math:`P_2(x)=\frac{3x^2-1}{2}` is a 2nd order Legendre polynomial. `Cooper and Zare "Angular distribution of photoelectrons" J Chem Phys 48, 942-943 (1968) <>`_ Parameters ---------- theta: 1D numpy array Angle coordinates, referenced to the vertical direction. intensity: 1D numpy array Intensity variation with angle theta_ranges: list of tuples Angular ranges over which to fit ``[(theta1, theta2), (theta3, theta4)]``. Allows data to be excluded from fit, default include all data Returns ------- beta : tuple of floats (anisotropy parameter, fit error) amplitude : tuple of floats (amplitude of signal, fit error) """ def P2(x): # 2nd order Legendre polynomial return (3 * x * x - 1) / 2 def PAD(theta, beta, amplitude): return amplitude * (1 + beta * P2(np.cos(theta))) # Eq. (1) as above # angular range of data to be included in the fit if theta_ranges is not None: subtheta = np.ones(len(theta), dtype=bool) for rt in theta_ranges: subtheta = np.logical_and( subtheta, np.logical_and(theta >= rt[0], theta <= rt[1])) theta = theta[subtheta] intensity = intensity[subtheta] # fit angular intensity distribution try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(PAD, theta, intensity) beta, amplitude = popt error_beta, error_amplitude = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) # physical range if beta > 2 or beta < -1: beta, error_beta = np.nan, np.nan except: beta, error_beta = np.nan, np.nan amplitude, error_amplitude = np.nan, np.nan return (beta, error_beta), (amplitude, error_amplitude)
[docs]def toPES(radial, intensity, energy_cal_factor, per_energy_scaling=True, photon_energy=None, Vrep=None, zoom=1): r""" Convert speed radial coordinate into electron kinetic or electron binding energy. Return the photoelectron spectrum (PES). This calculation uses a single scaling factor ``energy_cal_factor`` to convert the radial pixel coordinate into electron kinetic energy. Additional experimental parameters: ``photon_energy`` will give the energy scale as electron binding energy, in the same energy units, while ``Vrep``, the VMI lens repeller voltage (volts), provides for a voltage independent scaling factor. i.e. ``energy_cal_factor`` should remain approximately constant. The ``energy_cal_factor`` is readily determined by comparing the generated energy scale with published spectra. e.g. for O\ :sup:`−` photodetachment, the strongest fine-structure transition occurs at the electron affinity :math:`EA = 11\,784.676(7)` cm\ :math:`^{-1}`. Values for the ANU experiment are given below, see also `examples/`. Parameters ---------- radial : numpy 1D array radial coordinates. intensity : numpy 1D array intensity values, at the radial array. energy_cal_factor : float energy calibration factor that will convert radius squared into energy. The units affect the units of the output. e.g. inputs in eV/pixel\ :sup:`2`, will give output energy units in eV. A value of :math:`1.148427\times 10^{-5}` cm\ :math:`^{-1}/`\ pixel\ :sup:`2` applies for "examples/data/O-ANU1024.txt" (with Vrep = -98 volts). per_energy_scaling : bool sets the intensity Jacobian. If `True`, the returned intensities correspond to an "intensity per eV" or "intensity per cm\ :sup:`-1` ". If `False`, the returned intensities correspond to an "intensity per pixel". Optional: photon_energy : None or float measurement photon energy. The output energy scale is then set to electron-binding-energy in units of `energy_cal_factor`. The conversion from wavelength (nm) to `photon_energy` (cm\ :sup:`−1`) is :math:`10^{7}/\lambda` (nm) e.g. `1.0e7/812.51` for "examples/data/O-ANU1024.txt". Vrep : None or float repeller voltage. Convenience parameter to allow the `energy_cal_factor` to remain constant, for different VMI lens repeller voltages. Defaults to `None`, in which case no extra scaling is applied. e.g. `-98 volts`, for "examples/data/O-ANU1024.txt". zoom : float additional scaling factor if the input experimental image has been zoomed. Default 1. Returns ------- eKBE : numpy 1d-array of floats energy scale for the photoelectron spectrum in units of `energy_cal_factor`. Note that the data is no-longer on a uniform grid. PES : numpy 1d-array of floats the photoelectron spectrum, scaled according to the `per_energy_scaling` input parameter. """ if Vrep is not None: energy_cal_factor *= np.abs(Vrep) / zoom**2 eKE = radial**2 * energy_cal_factor if photon_energy is not None: # electron binding energy eBKE = photon_energy - eKE else: eBKE = eKE # Jacobian correction to intensity, radius has been squared # We have E = c1 - c2 * r**2, where c1 and c2 are constants. To get thei # Jacobian, we find dE/dr = 2c2r. Since the coordinates are getting # stretched at high E and "squished" at low E, we know that we need to # divide by this factor. intensity[1:] /= (2 * radial[1:]) # 1: to exclude R = 0 if per_energy_scaling: # intensity per unit energy intensity /= energy_cal_factor # sort into ascending order indx = eBKE.argsort() return eBKE[indx], intensity[indx]
[docs]class Distributions(object): r""" Class for calculating various radial distributions. Objects of this class hold the analysis parameters and cache some intermediate computations that do not depend on the image data. Multiple images can be analyzed (using the same parameters) by feeding them to the object:: distr = Distributions(parameters) results1 = distr(image1) results2 = distr(image2) If analyses with different parameters are required, multiple objects can be used. For example, to analyze 4 quadrants independently:: distr0 = Distributions('ll', ...) distr1 = Distributions('lr', ...) distr2 = Distributions('ur', ...) distr3 = Distributions('ul', ...) for image in images: Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3 = ... res0 = distr0(Q0) res1 = distr1(Q1) res2 = distr2(Q2) res3 = distr3(Q3) However, if all the quadrants have the same dimensions, it is more memory-efficient to flip them all to the same orientation and use a single object:: distr = Distributions('ll', ...) for image in images: Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3 = ... res0 = distr(Q0) res1 = distr(Q1[:, ::-1]) # or np.fliplr res2 = distr(Q2[::-1, ::-1]) # or np.flip(Q2, (0, 1)) res3 = distr(Q3[::-1, :]) # or np.flipud More concise function to calculate distributions for single images (without caching) are also available, see :func:`harmonics`, :func:`Ibeta` below. Parameters ---------- origin : tuple of int or str origin of the radial distributions (the pole of polar coordinates) within the image. ``(int, int)``: explicit row and column indices ``str``: location string specifying the vertical and horizontal positions (in this order!) using the words from the following diagram:: left center right top/upper [0, 0]---------[0, n//2]--------[0, n-1] | | | | center [m//2, 0] [m//2, n//2] [m//2, n-1] | | | | bottom/lower [m-1, 0]------[m-1, n//2]-----[m-1, n-1] The words can be abbreviated to their first letter each (such as ``'top left'`` → ``'tl'``, the space is then not required). ``'center center'``/``'cc'`` can also be shortened to ``'center'``/``'c'``. Examples: ``'center'`` or ``'cc'`` (default) for the full centered image ``'center left'``/``'cl'`` for the right image half, vertically centered ``'bottom left'``/``'bl'`` or ``'lower left'``/``'ll'`` for the upper-right image quadrant rmax : int or str largest radius to include in the distributions ``int``: explicit value ``'hor'``: fitting inside horizontally ``'ver'``: fitting inside vertically ``'HOR'``: touching horizontally ``'VER'``: touching vertically ``'min'``: minimum of ``'hor'`` and ``'ver'``, the largest area with 4 full quadrants ``'max'``: maximum of ``'hor'`` and ``'ver'``, the largest area with 2 full quadrants ``'MIN'`` (default): minimum of ``'HOR'`` and ``'VER'``, the largest area with 1 full quadrant (thus the largest with the full 90° angular range) ``'MAX'``: maximum of ``'HOR'`` and ``'VER'`` ``'all'``: covering all pixels (might have huge errors at large *r*, since the angular dependences must be inferred from very small available angular ranges) order : int highest order in the angular distributions. Even number ≥ 0. use_sin: bool use :math:`|\sin \theta|` weighting. This is the weight implied in spherical integration (for the total intensity, for example) and with respect to which the Legendre polynomials are orthogonal, so using it in the fitting procedure gives the most reasonable results even if the data deviates form the assumed angular behavior. It also reduces contributions from the centerline noise. weights : m × n numpy array, optional in addition to the optional :math:`|\sin \theta|` weighting (see **use_sin** above), use given weights for each pixel. The array shape must match the image shape. Parts of the image can be excluded from the fitting by assigning zero weights to their pixels. (Note: if ``use_sin=False``, a reference to this array is cached instead of its content, so if you modify the array between creating the object and using it, the results will be surprising. However, if needed, you can pass a copy as ``weights=weights.copy()``.) method : str numerical integration method used in the fitting procedure ``'nearest'``: each pixel of the image is assigned to the nearest radial bin. The fastest, but noisier (especially for high orders). ``'linear'`` (default): each pixel of the image is linearly distributed over the two adjacent radial bins. About twice slower than ``'nearest'``, but smoother. ``'remap'``: the image is resampled to a uniform polar grid, then polar pixels are summed over all angles for each radius. The smoothest, but significantly slower and might have problems with **rmax** > ``'MIN'`` and discontinuous weights. """ def __init__(self, origin='center', rmax='MIN', order=2, use_sin=True, weights=None, method='linear'): # remember parameters self.origin = origin self.rmax_in = rmax self.order = order self.use_sin = use_sin self.weights = weights if weights is None: self.shape = None else: self.shape = weights.shape self.method = method # whether precalculations are done self.ready = False # do precalculations if image size is known (from weights array) if self.shape is not None: self._precalc(self.shape) # otherwise postpone them to the first image # Note! # The following code has several expressions like # A = w * A # instead of # A *= w # This is intentional: these A can be aliases to or views of the original # image (passed by reference), and *= would modify A in place, thus # corrupting the image data owned by the caller. def _int_nearest(self, a, w=None): """ Angular integration (radial binning) for 'nearest' method. a, w : arrays or None (their product is integrated) """ # collect the product (if needed) in array a if a is None: a = w elif w is not None: a = w * a # (not *=) # sum values from array a into bins given by array bin # (numpy.bincount() is faster than scipy.ndimage.sum()) if a is not None: a = a.reshape(-1) # (if a is None, np.bincount assumes unit weights, as needed) return np.bincount(self.bin.reshape(-1), a, self.rmax + 1) def _int_linear(self, wl, wu, a=None, w=None): """ Angular integration (radial binning) for 'linear' method. wl, wu : lower- and upper-bin weights a, w : arrays or None (their product is integrated) """ # collect the products (if needed) in wl, wu if a is None: a = w elif w is not None: a = w * a # (not *=) if a is not None: # (not *=) wl = wl * a wu = wu * a # lower bins res = np.bincount(self.bin.reshape(-1), wl.reshape(-1), self.rmax + 1) # upper bins (bin 0 must be skipped because it contains junk) res[2:] += np.bincount(self.bin.reshape(-1), wu.reshape(-1), self.rmax + 1)[1:-1] return res def _int_remap(self, a, w=None): """ Angular integration (radial binning) for 'remap' method. a, w : arrays or None (their product is integrated) """ # collect the product (if needed) in array a if a is None: if w is None: return [float(self.ntheta)] a = w elif w is not None: a = w * a # (not *=) # sum all angles together return a.sum(axis=0) def _precalc(self, shape): """ Precalculate and cache quantities and structures that do not depend on the image data. shape : (rows, columns) tuple """ if self.ready and shape == self.shape: # already done return if self.weights is not None and shape != self.shape: raise ValueError('Image shape {} does not match weights shape {}'. format(shape, self.shape)) height, width = self.shape = shape # Determine origin [row, col]. if np.ndim(self.origin) == 1: # explicit numbers row, col = self.origin else: # string with codes if len(self.origin) == 2: r, c = self.origin elif self.origin in ['c', 'center']: r, c = 'c', 'c' else: try: # extract first letters r, c = [word[0] for word in self.origin.split()] except ValueError: raise ValueError('Incorrect origin "{}"'. format(self.origin)) # vertical if r in ('t', 'u'): row = 0 elif r == 'c' : row = height // 2 elif r in ('b', 'l'): row = height - 1 else: raise ValueError('Incorrect vertical position in "{}"'. format(self.origin)) # horizontal if c == 'l': col = 0 elif c == 'c': col = width // 2 elif c == 'r': col = width - 1 else: raise ValueError('Incorrect horizontal position in "{}"'. format(self.origin)) # from the other side row_ = height - 1 - row col_ = width - 1 - col # min/max spans hor, HOR = min(col, col_), max(col, col_) ver, VER = min(row, row_), max(row, row_) # Determine rmax. rmax_in = self.rmax_in if isinstance(rmax_in, int): rmax = rmax_in elif rmax_in == 'hor': rmax = hor elif rmax_in == 'ver': rmax = ver elif rmax_in == 'HOR': rmax = HOR elif rmax_in == 'VER': rmax = VER elif rmax_in == 'min': rmax = min(hor, ver) elif rmax_in == 'max': rmax = max(hor, ver) elif rmax_in == 'MIN': rmax = min(HOR, VER) elif rmax_in == 'MAX': rmax = max(HOR, VER) elif rmax_in == 'all': rmax = int(np.sqrt(HOR**2 + VER**2)) else: raise ValueError('Incorrect radial range "{}"'.format(rmax_in)) self.rmax = rmax # Folding to one quadrant with origin at [0, 0] self.Qheight = Qheight = min(VER, rmax) + 1 self.Qwidth = Qwidth = min(HOR, rmax) + 1 if row in (0, height - 1) and col in (0, width - 1): # IM is already one quadrant, flip it to proper orientation. if row == 0: self.flip_row = slice(0, Qheight) else: # row == height - 1 self.flip_row = slice(-1, -1 - Qheight, -1) if col == 0: self.flip_col = slice(0, Qwidth) else: # col == width - 1 self.flip_col = slice(-1, -1 - Qwidth, -1) self.fold = False else: # Define oriented source (IM) slices as # neg,neg | neg,pos # --------+-------- # pos,neg | pos,spo # (pixel [row, col] belongs to pos,pos) # and corresponding destination (Q) slices. def slices(pivot, pivot_, size, positive): if positive: n = min(pivot_ + 1, size) return (slice(pivot, pivot + n), slice(0, n)) else: # negative n = min(pivot + 1, size) return (slice(-1 - (pivot_ + 1), -1 - (pivot_ + n), -1), slice(1, n)) def slices_row(positive): return slices(row, row_, Qheight, positive) def slices_col(positive): return slices(col, col_, Qwidth, positive) # 2D region pairs (source, destination) for direct indexing self.regions = [] for r in (False, True): for c in (False, True): self.regions.append(list(zip(slices_row(r), slices_col(c)))) self.fold = True if self.order < 0 or self.order % 2: raise ValueError('Incorrect order={}'.format(self.order)) if self.method in ['nearest', 'linear']: # Quadrant coordinates. # x row x = np.arange(float(Qwidth)) # y^2 column y2 = np.arange(float(Qheight))[:, None]**2 # array of r^2 r2 = x**2 + y2 # array of r r = np.sqrt(r2) # Radial bins. if self.method == 'nearest': self.bin = np.array(r.round(), dtype=int) else: # 'linear' self.bin = r.astype(int) # round down (floor) self.bin[self.bin > rmax] = 0 # r = 0 is useless anyway # Powers of cosine. # c[n] is cos^2n, with 2n up to 2×order self.c = [None] # (actually 1s, but never used) if self.order > 0: r2[0, 0] = np.inf # (avoid division by zero) self.c.append(y2 / r2) # cos^2 theta for n in range(2, self.order + 1): self.c.append(self.c[1] * self.c[n - 1]) # Weights. if self.weights is None: if self.fold: # count overlapping pixels Qw = np.zeros((Qheight, Qwidth)) for src, dst in self.regions: Qw[dst] += 1 else: Qw = None else: # array if self.fold: # sum all source regions into one quadrant Qw = np.zeros((Qheight, Qwidth)) for src, dst in self.regions: Qw[dst] += self.weights[src] else: Qw = self.weights[self.flip_row, self.flip_col] if self.use_sin: r[0, 0] = np.inf # (avoid division by zero) self.Qsin = x / r r[0, 0] = 0 # (restore) if Qw is None: Qw = self.Qsin else: Qw = self.Qsin * Qw # (not *=) if self.method == 'linear': # weights for upper and lower bins self.wu = r - self.bin self.wl = 1 - self.wu # Integrals. if self.method == 'nearest': pc = [self._int_nearest(None, Qw).astype(float)] for c in self.c[1:]: pc.append(self._int_nearest(c, Qw)) else: # 'linear' wu, wl = self.wu, self.wl pc = [self._int_linear(wl, wu, None, Qw)] for c in self.c[1:]: pc.append(self._int_linear(wl, wu, c, Qw)) pc = np.array(pc).T # [r, n] elif self.method == 'remap': # Coordinates. # angular step ~ 1 pixel at rmax self.ntheta = int(rmax * np.pi / 2) # polar coordinates r = np.linspace(0, rmax, rmax + 1) theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, self.ntheta, endpoint=False)[:, None] # rectangular coordinates of polar grid self.grid = np.array([r * np.cos(theta), r * np.sin(theta)]) # Powers of cosine. # c[n] is cos^2n, with 2n up to 2×order self.c = [None] # (actually 1s, but never used) if self.order > 0: self.c.append(np.cos(theta)**2) for n in range(2, self.order + 1): self.c.append(self.c[1] * self.c[n - 1]) # Weights. if self.weights is None: if self.fold: # count overlapping pixels Qw = np.zeros((Qheight, Qwidth)) for src, dst in self.regions: Qw[dst] += 1 elif rmax > min(HOR, VER): Qw = np.ones((Qheight, Qwidth)) else: Qw = None else: # array if self.fold: # sum all source regions into one quadrant Qw = np.zeros((Qheight, Qwidth)) for src, dst in self.regions: Qw[dst] += self.weights[src] else: Qw = self.weights[self.flip_row, self.flip_col] if Qw is not None: Qw = map_coordinates(Qw, self.grid) if self.use_sin: self.Qsin = np.sin(theta) if Qw is None: Qw = self.Qsin else: Qw *= self.Qsin # (here Qw is not aliased) # Integrals. pc = [self._int_remap(None, Qw)] for c in self.c[1:]: pc.append(self._int_remap(c, Qw)) pc = np.array(pc).T # [r, n] else: raise ValueError('Incorrect method "{}"'.format(self.method)) # Conversion matrices (integrals → coofficients). # Some r might have too few pixels and thus produce lower-rank # matrices. For them the highest-rank inverse is computed (including # as many lower orders as possible). # linalg.inv is very inefficient for small matrices (takes longer than # everything else), so they are inverted manually. # inv2 and inv3 are for 2×2 and 3×3 Hankel matrices (passed as unique # elements). def inv2(p): p0, p1, p2 = p d = p0 * p2 - p1 * p1 if d == 0: C = np.zeros((2, 2)) if p0 != 0: C[0, 0] = 1 / p0 return C return 1/d * np.array([[p2, -p1], [-p1, p0]]) def inv3(p): p0, p1, p2, p3, p4 = p C00 = p2 * p4 - p3 * p3 C01 = p2 * p3 - p1 * p4 C02 = p1 * p3 - p2 * p2 d = p0 * C00 + p1 * C01 + p2 * C02 if d == 0: C = np.zeros((3, 3)) C[:2, :2] = inv2(p[:3]) return C C11 = p0 * p4 - p2 * p2 C12 = p1 * p2 - p0 * p3 C22 = p0 * p2 - p1 * p1 return 1/d * np.array([[C00, C01, C02], [C01, C11, C12], [C02, C12, C22]]) def invn(P): n = self.order // 2 C = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1)) for m in range(n, 0, -1): try: C[:m + 1, :m + 1] = inv(P[:m + 1, :m + 1]) # (this is faster than np.pad) return C except np.linalg.LinAlgError: pass # try lower rank # rank <= 1 if P[0, 0] != 0: C[0, 0] = 1 / P[0, 0] return C if self.order == 0: pc[pc == 0] = np.inf # to obtain inv([[0]]) = [[0]] self.C = 1 / pc[:, :, None] # (new dimension to make matrices) elif self.order == 2: self.C = np.array([inv2(p) for p in pc]) elif self.order == 4: self.C = np.array([inv3(p) for p in pc]) else: self.C = np.array([invn(hankel(p[:self.order // 2 + 1], p[self.order // 2:])) for p in pc]) if self.method in ['nearest', 'linear']: # bin r = 0 contains junk (all pixels > rmax), so ignore it self.C[0] = 0.0 self.ready = True
[docs] class Results(object): r""" Class for holding the results of image analysis. :meth:`Distributions.image` returns an object of this class, from which various distributions can be retrieved using the methods described below, for example:: distr = Distributions(...) res = distr(IM) harmonics = res.harmonics() All distributions are returned as 2D arrays with the rows (1st index) corresponding to particular terms of the expansion and the columns (2nd index) corresponding to the radii. The terms can be easily separated like ``I, beta2, beta4 = res.Ibeta()``. Python 3 users can also collect all :math:`\beta` parameters as ``I, *beta = res.Ibeta()`` for any **order**. Alternatively, transposing the results as ``Ibeta = res.Ibeta().T`` allows accessing all terms :math:`\big(I(r), \beta_2(r), \beta_4(r), \dots\big)` at particular radius *r* as ``Ibeta[r]``. Attributes ---------- r : numpy array radii from 0 to **rmax** """ def __init__(self, r, cn): self.r = r = cn
[docs] def cos(self): r""" Radial distributions of :math:`\cos^n \theta` terms (0 ≤ *n* ≤ **order**). (You probably do not need them.) Returns ------- cosn : (# terms) × (rmax + 1) numpy array radial dependences of the :math:`\cos^n \theta` terms, ordered from the lowest to the highest power """ return
[docs] def rcos(self): """ Same as :meth:`cos`, but prepended with the radii row. """ return np.vstack((self.r,
[docs] def cossin(self): r""" Radial distributions of :math:`\cos^n \theta \cdot \sin^m \theta` terms (*n* + *m* = **order**). For **order** = 0: :math:`\cos^0 \theta` is the total intensity. For **order** = 2 :math:`\cos^2 \theta` corresponds to “parallel” (∥) transitions, :math:`\sin^2 \theta` corresponds to “perpendicular” (⟂) transitions. For **order** = 4 :math:`\cos^4 \theta` corresponds to ∥,∥, :math:`\cos^2 \theta \cdot \sin^2 \theta` corresponds to ∥,⟂ and ⟂,∥. :math:`\sin^4 \theta` corresponds to ⟂,⟂. And so on. Notice that higher orders can represent lower orders as well: :math:`\cos^2 \theta + \sin^2 \theta = \cos^0 \theta \quad` (∥ + ⟂ = 1), :math:`\cos^4 \theta + \cos^2 \theta \cdot \sin^2 \theta = \cos^2 \theta \quad` (∥,∥ + ∥,⟂ = ∥,∥ + ⟂,∥ = ∥), :math:`\cos^2 \theta \cdot \sin^2 \theta + \sin^4 \theta = \sin^2 \theta \quad` (∥,⟂ + ⟂,⟂ = ⟂,∥ + ⟂,⟂ = ⟂), and so forth. Returns ------- cosnsinm : (# terms) × (rmax + 1) numpy array radial dependences of the :math:`\cos^n \theta \cdot \sin^m \theta` terms, ordered from the highest :math:`\cos \theta` power to the highest :math:`\sin \theta` power """ # conversion matrix (cos^k → cos^n sin^m) CS = pascal([0], 'upper')[:, ::-1] # apply to all radii cs = return cs
[docs] def rcossin(self): """ Same as :meth:`cossin`, but prepended with the radii row. """ return np.vstack((self.r, self.cossin()))
[docs] def harmonics(self): r""" Radial distributions of spherical harmonics (Legendre polynomials :math:`P_n(\cos \theta)`). Spherical harmonics are orthogonal with respect to integration over the full sphere: .. math:: \iint P_n P_m \,d\Omega = \int_0^{2\pi} \int_0^\pi P_n(\cos \theta) P_m(\cos \theta) \,\sin\theta d\theta \,d\varphi = 0 for *n* ≠ *m*; and :math:`P_0(\cos \theta)` is the spherically averaged intensity. Returns ------- Pn : (# terms) × (rmax + 1) numpy array radial dependences of the :math:`P_n(\cos \theta)` terms """ # conversion matrix (cos^k → P_n) terms =[0] CH = np.zeros((terms, terms)) for i in range(terms): CH[:i + 1, i] = legendre(2 * i).c[::-2] CH = inv(CH) # apply to all radii harm = return harm
[docs] def rharmonics(self): """ Same as :meth:`harmonics`, but prepended with the radii row. """ return np.vstack((self.r, self.harmonics()))
[docs] def Ibeta(self, window=1): r""" Radial intensity and anisotropy distributions. A cylindrically symmetric 3D intensity distribution can be expanded over spherical harmonics (Legendre polynomials :math:`P_n(\cos \theta)`) as .. math:: I(r, \theta, \varphi) \, d\Omega = \frac{1}{4\pi} I(r) \big[1 + \beta_2(r) P_2(\cos \theta) + \beta_4(r) P_4(\cos \theta) + \dots\big], where :math:`I(r)` is the “radial intensity distribution” integrated over the full sphere: .. math:: I(r) = \int_0^{2\pi} \int_0^\pi I(r, \theta, \varphi) \,r^2 \sin\theta d\theta \,d\varphi, and :math:`\beta_n(r)` are the dimensionless “anisotropy parameters” describing relative contributions of each harmonic order (:math:`\beta_0(r) = 1` by definition). In particular: :math:`\beta_2 = 2` for the :math:`\cos^2 \theta` (∥) angular distribution, :math:`\beta_2 = 0` for the isotropic distribution, :math:`\beta_2 = -1` for the :math:`\sin^2 \theta` (⟂) angular distribution. The radial intensity distribution alone for data with arbitrary angular variations can be obtained by using ``weight='sin'`` and ``order=0``. Parameters ---------- window : int window size in pixels for radial averaging of :math:`\beta`. Since anisotropy parameters are non-linear, the central moving average is applied to the harmonics (which are linear), and then :math:`\beta` is calculated from them. In case of well separated peaks, setting **window** to the peak width will result in :math:`\beta` values at peak centers equal to total peak anisotropies (beware of the background, however). Returns ------- Ibeta : (# terms) × (rmax + 1) numpy array radial intensity distribution (0-th term) and radial dependences of anisotropy parameters (other terms) """ harm = self.harmonics() P0, Pn = np.vsplit(harm, [1]) I = 4 * np.pi * self.r**2 * P0 if window > 1: P0 = uniform_filter1d(P0, window, axis=1, mode='nearest') Pn = uniform_filter1d(Pn, window, axis=1, mode='nearest') beta = np.divide(Pn, P0, out=np.zeros_like(Pn), where=P0 != 0) return np.vstack((I, beta))
[docs] def rIbeta(self, window=1): """ Same as :meth:`Ibeta`, but prepended with the radii row. """ return np.vstack((self.r, self.Ibeta(window)))
[docs] def image(self, IM): """ Analyze an image. This method can be also conveniently accessed by “calling” the object itself:: distr = Distributions(...) Ibeta = distr(IM).Ibeta() Parameters ---------- IM : m × n numpy array the image to analyze Returns ------- results : Distributions.Results object the object with analysis results, from which various distributions can be retrieved, see :class:`Results` """ # do precalculations (if needed) self._precalc(IM.shape) # apply weighting and folding if self.weights is not None: IM = self.weights * IM # (not *=) if self.fold: Q = np.zeros((self.Qheight, self.Qwidth)) for src, dst in self.regions: Q[dst] += IM[src] else: # quadrant Q = IM[self.flip_row, self.flip_col] if self.method == 'remap': # resample to polar grid Q = map_coordinates(Q, self.grid) if self.use_sin: Q = self.Qsin * Q # (not *=) # calculate integrals if self.method == 'nearest': p = [self._int_nearest(Q)] for c in self.c[1:self.order // 2 + 1]: p.append(self._int_nearest(Q, c)) elif self.method == 'linear': # 'linear' Ql, Qu = self.wl * Q, self.wu * Q p = [self._int_linear(Ql, Qu)] for c in self.c[1:self.order // 2 + 1]: p.append(self._int_linear(Ql, Qu, c)) else: # 'remap' p = [self._int_remap(Q)] for c in self.c[1:self.order // 2 + 1]: p.append(self._int_remap(Q, c)) # convert integrals to coefficients (I(r) = C(r)·p(r) for each r) I = np.einsum('jik,kj->ij', self.C, p) # radii r = np.arange(self.rmax + 1) return self.Results(r, I)
def __call__(self, IM): return self.image(IM)
[docs]def harmonics(IM, origin='cc', rmax='MIN', order=2, **kwargs): """ Convenience function to calculate harmonic distributions for a single image. Equivalent to ``Distributions(...).image(IM).harmonics()``. Notice that this function does not cache intermediate calculations, so using it to process multiple images is several times slower than through a :class:`Distributions` object. """ return Distributions(origin, rmax, order, **kwargs).image(IM).harmonics()
[docs]def rharmonics(IM, origin='cc', rmax='MIN', order=2, **kwargs): """ Same as :func:`harmonics`, but prepended with the radii row. """ return Distributions(origin, rmax, order, **kwargs).image(IM).rharmonics()
[docs]def Ibeta(IM, origin='cc', rmax='MIN', order=2, window=1, **kwargs): """ Convenience function to calculate radial intensity and anisotropy distributions for a single image. Equivalent to ``Distributions(...).image(IM).Ibeta(window)``. Notice that this function does not cache intermediate calculations, so using it to process multiple images is several times slower than through a :class:`Distributions` object. """ return Distributions(origin, rmax, order, **kwargs).image(IM).Ibeta(window)
[docs]def rIbeta(IM, origin='cc', rmax='MIN', order=2, window=1, **kwargs): """ Same as :func:`Ibeta`, but prepended with the radii row. """ return Distributions(origin, rmax, order, **kwargs).image(IM).rIbeta(window)