Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

import abel

# Image circularization by following peak intensity vs angle
# see for discussion
# and
# Steve Gibson and Dan Hickstein - ideas/code
# Jason Gascooke - ideas
# February 2017

[docs]def circularize_image(IM, method="lsq", center=None, radial_range=None, dr=0.5, dt=0.5, smooth=0, ref_angle=None, inverse=False, return_correction=False): """ Corrects image distortion on the basis that the structure should be circular. This is a simplified radial scaling version of the algorithm described in `J. R. Gascooke and S. T. Gibson and W. D. Lawrance: 'A "circularisation" method to repair deformations and determine the centre of velocity map images' J. Chem. Phys. 147, 013924 (2017). <>`_ This function is especially useful for correcting the image obtained with a velocity-map-imaging spectrometer, in the case where there is distortion of the Newton Sphere (ring) structure due to an imperfect electrostatic lens or stray electromagnetic fields. The correction allows the highest-resolution 1D photoelectron distribution to be extracted. The algorithm splits the image into "slices" at many different angles (set by `dt`) and compares the radial intensity profile of adjacent slices. A scaling factor is found which aligns each slice profile with the previous slice. The image is then corrected using a spline function that smoothly connects the discrete scaling factors as a continuous function of angle. This circularization algorithm should only be applied to a well-centered image, otherwise use the `center` keyword (described below) to center it. Parameters ---------- IM : numpy 2D array Image to be circularized. method : str Method used to determine the radial correction factor to align slice profiles: ``argmax`` - compare intensity-profile.argmax() of each radial slice. This method is quick and reliable, but it assumes that the radial intensity profile has an obvious maximum. The positioning is limited to the nearest pixel. ``lsq`` - minimize the difference between a slice intensity-profile with its adjacent slice. This method is slower and may fail to converge, but it may be applied to images with any (circular) structure. It aligns the slices with sub-pixel precision. center : str, float tuple, or None Pre-center image using :func:``. `center` may be: `com`, `convolution`, `gaussian`, `image_center`, `slice`, or a float tuple center :math:`(y, x)`. radial_range : tuple, or None Limit slice comparison to the radial range tuple (rmin, rmax), in pixels, from the image center. Use to determine the distortion correction associated with particular peaks. It is recommended to select a region of your image where the signal-to-noise is highest, with sharp persistant (in angle) features. dr : float Radial grid size for the polar coordinate image, default = 0.5 pixel. This is passed to :func:``. Small values may improve the distortion correction, which is often of sub-pixel dimensions, at the cost of reduced signal to noise for the slice intensity profile. As a general rule, `dr` should be significantly smaller than the radial "feature size" in the image. dt : float Angular grid size. This sets the number of radial slices, given by :math:`2\pi/dt`. Default = 0.1, ~ 63 slices. More slices, using smaller `dt`, may provide a more detailed angular variation of the correction, at the cost of greater signal to noise in the correction function. Also passed to :func:`` smooth : float This value is passed to the :func:`scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline` function and controls how smooth the spline interpolation is. A value of zero corresponds to a spline that runs through all of the points, and higher values correspond to a smoother spline function. It is important to examine the relative peak position (scaling factor) data and how well it is represented by the spline function. Use the option ``return_correction=True`` to examine this data. Typically, `smooth` may remain zero, noisy data may require some smoothing. ref_angle : `None` or float Reference angle for which radial coordinate is unchanged. Angle varies between :math:`-\pi` to :math:`\pi`, with zero angle vertical. `None` uses :func:`numpy.mean(radial scale factors)`, which attempts to maintain the same average radial scaling. This approximation is likely valid, unless you know for certain that a specific angle of your image corresponds to an undistorted image. inverse : bool Apply an inverse Abel transform the **polar** coordinate image, to remove the background intensity. This may improve the signal to noise, allowing the weaker intensity featured to be followed in angle. Note that this step is only for the purposes of allowing the algorithm to better follow peaks in the image. It does not affect the final image that is returned, except for (hopefully) slightly improving the precision of the distortion correction. return_correction : bool Additional outputs, as describe below. Returns ------- IMcirc : numpy 2D array, same size as input Circularized version of the input image. The following values are returned if ``return_correction=True``: angles : numpy 1D array Mid-point angle (radians) of each image slice. radial_correction : numpy 1D array Radial correction scale factor at each angular slice. radial_correction_function : numpy function that accepts numpy.array Function that may be used to evaluate the radial correction at any angle. """ if center is not None: # convenience function for the case image is not centered IM =, center=center) # map image into polar coordinates - much easier to slice # cartesian (Y, X) -> polar (Radius, Theta) polarIM, radial_coord, angle_coord =\, dr=dr, dt=dt) if inverse: # pseudo inverse Abel transform of the polar image, removes background # to enhance transition peaks polarIM = abel.dasch.two_point_transform(polarIM.T).T # more convenient 1-D coordinate arrays angles = angle_coord[0] # angle coordinate radial = radial_coord[:, 0] # radial coordinate # limit radial range of polar image, if selected if radial_range is not None: subr = np.logical_and(radial > radial_range[0], radial < radial_range[1]) polarIM = polarIM[subr] radial = radial[subr] # evaluate radial correction factor that aligns each angular slice radcorr = correction(polarIM.T, angles, radial, method=method) # spline radial correction vs angle radial_correction_function = UnivariateSpline(angles, radcorr, s=smooth, ext=3) # apply the correction IMcirc = circularize(IM, radial_correction_function, ref_angle=ref_angle) if return_correction: return IMcirc, angles, radcorr, radial_correction_function else: return IMcirc
[docs]def circularize(IM, radial_correction_function, ref_angle=None): """ Remap image from its distorted grid to the true cartesian grid. Parameters ---------- IM : numpy 2D array Original image radial_correction_function : funct A function returning the radial correction for a given angle. It should accept a numpy 1D array of angles. """ # cartesian coordinate system Y, X = np.indices(IM.shape) row, col = IM.shape origin = (col//2, row//2) # odd image # coordinates relative to center X -= origin[0] Y = origin[1] - Y # negative values below the axis theta = np.arctan2(X, Y) # referenced to vertical direction # radial scale factor at angle = ref_angle if ref_angle is None: factor = np.mean(radial_correction_function(theta)) else: factor = radial_correction_function(ref_angle) # radial correction Xactual = X*factor/radial_correction_function(theta) Yactual = Y*factor/radial_correction_function(theta) # @DanHickstein magic # IMcirc = ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates(IM, (origin[1] - Yactual, Xactual + origin[0])) return IMcirc
def _residual(param, radial, profile, previous): """ `scipy.optimize.leastsq` residuals function. Evaluate the difference between a radial-scaled intensity profile and its adjacent "previous" angular slice. """ radial_scaling, amplitude = param[0], param[1] newradial = radial*radial_scaling spline_prof = UnivariateSpline(newradial, profile, s=0, ext=3) newprof = spline_prof(radial)*amplitude # residual cf adjacent slice profile return newprof - previous
[docs]def correction(polarIMTrans, angles, radial, method): """Determines a radial correction factors that align an angular slice radial intensity profile with its adjacent (previous) slice profile. Parameters ---------- polarIMTrans : numpy 2D array Polar coordinate image, transposed :math:`(\\theta, r)` so that each row is a single angle. angles : numpy 1D array Angle coordinates for one row of `polarIMTrans`. radial : numpy 1D array Radial coordinates for one column of `polarIMTrans`. method : str "argmax": radial correction factor from position of maximum intensity. "lsq" : least-squares determine a radial correction factor that will align a radial intensity profile with the previous, adjacent slice. """ if method == "argmax": # follow position of intensity maximum pkpos = [] for ang, aslice in zip(angles, polarIMTrans): profile = aslice pkpos.append(profile.argmax()) # store index of peak position # radial correction factor relative to peak max in first angular slice radcorr = radial[pkpos[0]]/radial[pkpos] elif method == "lsq": # least-squares radially scale intensity profile matching previous slice # initial guess fit parameters: radial correction factor, and amplitude fitpar = np.array([1.0, 1.0]) # storage for the radial correction factors radcorr = [] radcorr.append(1) # first slice nothing to compare with previous = polarIMTrans[0] for ang, aslice in zip(angles[1:], polarIMTrans[1:]): profile = aslice result = leastsq(_residual, fitpar, args=(radial, profile, previous)) radcorr.append(result[0][0]) # radial scale factor direct from lsq previous += _residual(result[0], radial, profile, previous) # This "previous" slice corresponds to the previous slice intensity # profile that has been re-scaled. Thus, if the next slice is # identical, it will be assigned a scale factor of 1.0 # use the determined radial scale factor, and amplitude parameters # for the next slice fitpar = result[0] else: raise ValueError("method variable must be one of 'argmax' or 'lsq'," " not '{}'".format(method)) return radcorr