Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import pascal, toeplitz

[docs]class Polynomial(object): """ Polynomial function and its Abel transform. Supports multiplication and division by numbers. Parameters ---------- r : numpy array *r* values at which the function is generated (and *x* values for its Abel transform); must be non-negative and in ascending order r_min, r_max : float *r* domain: the function is defined as the polynomial on [**r_min**, **r_max**] and zero outside it; 0 ≤ **r_min** < **r_max** ≲ **max r** (**r_max** might exceed maximal **r**, but usually by < 1 pixel) c: numpy array polynomial coefficients in order of increasing degree: [c₀, c₁, c₂] means c₀ + c₁ *r* + c₂ *r*\ ² r_0 : float, optional origin shift: the polynomial is defined as c₀ + c₁ (*r* − **r_0**) + c₂ (*r* − **r_0**)² + ... s : float, optional *r* stretching factor (around **r_0**): the polynomial is defined as c₀ + c₁ (*r*/**s**) + c₂ (*r*/**s**)² + ... reduced : boolean, optional internally rescale the *r* range to [0, 1]; useful to avoid floating-point overflows for high degrees at large r (and might improve numeric accuracy) """ def __init__(self, r, r_min, r_max, c, r_0=0.0, s=1.0, reduced=False): # remove zero high-order terms c = np.array(np.trim_zeros(c, 'b'), float) # if all coefficients are zero if len(c) == 0: # then both func and abel are also zero everywhere self.func = np.zeros_like(r) self.abel = self.func return # polynomial degree K = len(c) - 1 if reduced: # rescale r to [0, 1] (to avoid FP overflow) r = r / r_max r_0 /= r_max s /= r_max abel_scale = r_max r_min /= r_max r_max = 1.0 if s != 1.0: # apply stretch S = np.cumprod([1.0] + [1.0 / s] * K) # powers of 1/s c *= S if r_0 != 0.0: # apply shift P = pascal(1 + K, 'upper', False) # binomial coefficients rk = np.cumprod([1.0] + [-float(r_0)] * K) # powers of -r_0 T = toeplitz([1.0] + [0.0] * K, rk) # upper-diag. (-r_0)^{l - k} c = (P * T).dot(c) # whether even and odd powers are present even = np.any(c[::2]) odd = np.any(c[1::2]) # index limits n = r.shape[0] i_min = np.searchsorted(r, r_min) i_max = np.searchsorted(r, r_max) # Calculate all necessary variables within [0, r_max] # x, x^2 x = r[:i_max] x2 = x * x # integration limits y = sqrt(r^2 - x^2) or 0 def sqrt0(x): return np.sqrt(x, np.zeros_like(x), where=x > 0) y_up = sqrt0(r_max * r_max - x2) y_lo = sqrt0(r_min * r_min - x2) # y r^k |_lo^up # (actually only even are neded for "even", and only odd for "odd") Dyr = np.outer(np.cumprod([1.0] + [r_max] * K), y_up) - \ np.outer(np.cumprod([1.0] + [r_min] * K), y_lo) # ln(r + y) |_lo^up, only for odd k if odd: # ln x for x > 0, otherwise 0 def ln0(x): return np.log(x, np.zeros_like(x), where=x > 0) Dlnry = ln0(r_max + y_up) - \ ln0(np.maximum(r_min, x) + y_lo) # One-sided Abel integral \int_lo^up r^k dy. def a(k): odd_k = k % 2 # max. x power K = k - odd_k # (k - 1 for odd k) # generate coefficients for all x^m r^{k - m} terms # (only even indices are actually used; # for odd k, C[K] is also used for x^{k+1} ln(r + y)) C = [0] * (K + 1) C[0] = 1 / (k + 1) for m in range(k, 1, -2): C[k - m + 2] = C[k - m] * m / (m - 1) # sum all terms using Horner's method in x a = C[K] * Dyr[k - K] if odd_k: a += C[K] * x2 * Dlnry for m in range(K - 2, -1, -2): a = a * x2 + C[m] * Dyr[k - m] return a # Generate the polynomial function func = np.zeros(n) span = slice(i_min, i_max) # (using Horner's method) func[span] = c[K] for k in range(K - 1, -1, -1): func[span] = func[span] * x[span] + c[k] self.func = func # Generate its Abel transform abel = np.zeros(n) span = slice(0, i_max) if reduced: c *= abel_scale for k in range(K + 1): if c[k]: abel[span] += c[k] * 2 * a(k) self.abel = abel def __imul__(self, m): """ In-place multiplication: Polynomial *= num. """ self.func *= m self.abel *= m return self def __mul__(self, m): """ Multiplication: Polynomial * num. """ res = self.__new__(type(self)) # create empty object (same type) res.func = self.func * m res.abel = self.abel * m return res __rmul__ = __mul__ __rmul__.__doc__ = \ """ Multiplication: num * Polynomial. """ def __itruediv__(self, m): """ In-place division: Polynomial /= num. """ return self.__imul__(1 / m) def __truediv__(self, m): """ Division: Polynomial / num. """ return self.__mul__(1 / m)
# (Addition and subtraction are not implemented because they are # meaningful only for polynomials generated over the same r array. # Use PiecewisePolynomial for sums of polynomials.)
[docs]class PiecewisePolynomial(Polynomial): """ Piecewise polynomial function (sum of ``Polynomial``\ s) and its Abel transform. Supports multiplication and division by numbers. Parameters ---------- r : numpy array *r* values at which the function is generated (and *x* values for its Abel transform) ranges : iterable of unpackable (list of tuples of) polynomial parameters for each piece:: [(r_min_1st, r_max_1st, c_1st), (r_min_2nd, r_max_2nd, c_2nd), ... (r_min_nth, r_max_nth, c_nth)] according to ``Polynomial`` conventions. All ranges are independent (may overlap and have gaps, may define polynomials of any degrees) and may include optional ``Polynomial`` parameters """ def __init__(self, r, ranges): self.p = [] for rng in ranges: self.p.append(Polynomial(r, *rng)) func = self.p[0].func for p in self.p[1:]: func += p.func self.func = func abel = self.p[0].abel for p in self.p[1:]: abel += p.abel self.abel = abel
# (Multiplication and division methods are inherited from Polynomial.)