Source code for abel.basex

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from time import time
import os.path
from os import listdir
import re
from math import exp, log
import sys

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gammaln
from scipy.linalg import inv

from import PiecewisePolynomial

from ._version import __version__

# This is adapted from the BASEX Matlab code provided by the Reisler group.
# Please cite: "Reconstruction of Abel-transformable images:
# The Gaussian basis-set expansion Abel transform method"
# V. Dribinski, A. Ossadtchi, V. A. Mandelshtam, and H. Reisler,
# Review of Scientific Instruments 73, 2634 (2002).
# 2018-10-27
#   MR exposed BASIS_SET_CUTOFF for speed/accuracy control.
# 2018-10-07
#   MR added intensity correction.
#   Also smaller basis sets are now reused when generating larger ones.
#   Removed unnecessary scipy methods ( is actually
# 2018-10-03
#   MR completely rewrote basis generation (half-width, efficiency).
#   Switched from (n, nbf) to (n, sigma) basis specification;
#   nbf is now determined automatically, and nbf != n actually works.
#   The regularization parameter now differs from BASEX.exe by a factor
#   of 4/pi (BASEX.exe had an incorrect prefactor in basis projections).
# 2018-09-29
#   MR improved loading cached basis sets:
#   If the required basis is not available, but a larger compatible is,
#   then the latter will be loaded and cropped to the required size.
# 2018-09-19
#   MR switched to half-width transform.
#   The results now match BASEX.exe.
# 2018-09-08
#   MR enabled Tikhonov regularization.
#   Also, basis and transform matrices are now kept in memory
#   between invocations and reloaded/recalculated only when needed.
# Version 0.62 - 2016-03-07
#   DH changed all linear algebra steps from numpy to scipy
#   Scipy uses fortran fftpack, so it will be faster on some systems
#   or the same speed as numpy in most cases.
# Version 0.61 - 2016-02-17
#   Major reformatting - removed up/down symmetic version and
#   made basex work with only one quadrant.
# Version 0.6 - 2015-12-01
#   Another major code reformatting
# Version 0.5 - 2015-11-16
#   Code cleanup
# Version 0.4 - 2015-05-0
#   Major code update see pull request
# Version 0.3 - 2015-02-01
#   Added documentation
# Version 0.2 - 2014-10-09
#   Adding a "center_and_transform" function to make things easier
# Versions 0.1 - 2012
#   First port to Python

[docs]def basex_transform(data, sigma=1.0, reg=0.0, correction=True, basis_dir='./', dr=1.0, verbose=True, direction='inverse'): """ This function performs the BASEX (BAsis Set EXpansion) Abel transform. It works on a "right side" image. I.e., it works on just half of a cylindrically symmetric object, and ``data[0,0]`` should correspond to a central pixel. To perform a BASEX transorm on a whole image, use :: abel.Transform(image, method='basex', direction='inverse').transform This BASEX implementation only works with images that have an odd-integer full width. Note: only the `direction="inverse"` transform is currently implemented. Parameters ---------- data : m × n numpy array the image to be transformed. ``data[:,0]`` should correspond to the central column of the image. sigma : float width parameter for basis functions, see equation (14) in the article. Determines the number of basis functions (**n**/**sigma** rounded). Can be any positive number, but using **sigma** < 1 is not very meaningful and requires regularization. reg : float regularization parameter, square of the Tikhonov factor. ``reg=0`` means no regularization, ``reg=100`` is a reasonable value for megapixel images. correction : boolean apply intensity correction in order to reduce method artifacts (intensity normalization and oscillations) basis_dir : str path to the directory for saving / loading the basis-set coefficients. If ``None``, the basis set will not be saved to disk. dr : float size of one pixel in the radial direction. This only affects the absolute scaling of the transformed image. verbose : boolean determines whether statements should be printed direction : str the type of Abel transform to be performed. Currently only accepts value ``'inverse'``. Returns ------- recon : m × n numpy array the transformed (half) image """ if direction != 'inverse': raise ValueError('Forward BASEX transform not implemented') # make sure that the data is the right shape (1D must be converted to 2D): data = np.atleast_2d(data) h, w = data.shape if data.shape[0] == 1: data_ndim = 1 elif data.shape[1] == 1: raise ValueError('Wrong input shape for ' 'data {0}, should be (N1, N2) ' 'or (1, N), not (N, 1)'.format(data.shape)) else: data_ndim = 2 n = data.shape[1] # load the basis sets: Ai = get_bs_cached(n, sigma=sigma, reg=reg, correction=correction, basis_dir=basis_dir, verbose=verbose) # Do the actual transform: recon = basex_core_transform(data, Ai, dr) if data_ndim == 1: # taking the middle row, since the rest are zeroes recon = recon[recon.shape[0] - recon.shape[0]//2 - 1] # ?? if h == 1: return recon else: return recon
[docs]def basex_core_transform(rawdata, Ai, dr=1.0): """ This is the internal function that does the actual BASEX transform. It requires that the transform matrix be passed. Parameters ---------- rawdata : m × n numpy array the raw image. This is the right half (with the axis) of the image. Ai : n × n numpy array 2D array given by the transform-calculation function dr : float pixel size. This only affects the absolute scaling of the output. Returns ------- IM : m × n numpy array the Abel-transformed image, a slice of the 3D distribution """ # Note that our images are stored with matrix rows corresponding to # horizontal image lines. This is consistent with the Matlab and C++ # BASEX implementations, but is the opposite to the article notation. # Thus all matrices are transposed and multiplied backwards with # respect to the article. # The vertical transform is not applied, since without regularization # its overall effect is an identity transform. # Reconstructing image - This is where the magic happens IM = / dr # P = dot(dot(Mc,Ci),M.T) # This calculates the projection, !! not # which should recreate the original image !! really return IM
def _get_Ai(M, Mc, reg): """ An internal helper function for no-up/down-asymmetry BASEX: given basis sets M, Mc, return matrix of inverse Abel transform """ # Ai is the overall (horizontal) transform matrix, # corresponds to A^T Z in the article. # reg corresponds to q_1^2 in the article. n, nbf = M.shape if reg == 0.0 and nbf == n: Ai = inv(M.T).dot(Mc.T) else: # square of Tikhonov matrix E = np.diag([reg] * nbf) # regularized inverse of basis projection R = + E)) # {expansion coefficients} = projection . R # image = {expansion coefficients} . {image basis} # so: image = projection . (R . {image basis}) # image = projection . Ai # Ai = R . {image basis} # Ai is the matrix of the inverse Abel transform Ai = return Ai def _nbf(n, sigma): """ Internal helper function. Calculates the number of basis functions **nbf** from the half-image width **n** and the basis width parameter **sigma**. """ return int(round(n / sigma)) # Cached matrices and their parameters _bs_prm = None # [n, sigma] _bs = None # [M, Mc] _tr_prm = None # [reg, correction] _tr = None # Ai
[docs]def get_bs_cached(n, sigma=1.0, reg=0.0, correction=True, basis_dir='.', verbose=False): """ Internal function. Gets BASEX basis sets, using the disk as a cache (i.e. load from disk if they exist, if not, calculate them and save a copy on disk) and calculates the transform matrix. To prevent saving the basis sets to disk, set ``basis_dir=None``. Loaded/calculated matrices are also cached in memory. Parameters ---------- n : int Abel inverse transform will be performed on an **n** pixels wide area of the (half) image sigma : float width parameter for basis functions reg : float regularization parameter correction : boolean apply intensity correction. Corrects wrong intensity normalization (seen for narrow basis sets), intensity oscillations (seen for broad basis sets), and intensity drop-off near *r* = 0 due to regularization. basis_dir : str path to the directory for saving / loading the basis sets. If ``None``, the basis sets will not be saved to disk. Returns ------- Ai : n × n numpy array the matrix of the inverse Abel transform """ global _bs_prm, _bs, _tr_prm, _tr sigma = float(sigma) # (ensure FP format) nbf = _nbf(n, sigma) M = None # Check whether basis for these parameters is already loaded if _bs_prm == [n, sigma]: if verbose: print('Using memory-cached basis sets') M, Mc = _bs else: # try to load basis if basis_dir is not None: basis_file = 'basex_basis_{}_{}.npy'.format(n, sigma) def full_path(file_name): return os.path.join(basis_dir, file_name) # Try to find a suitable existing basis set if os.path.exists(full_path(basis_file)): # have exactly needed best_file = basis_file else: # Find the best (smallest among sufficient) # and the largest (to extend if not sufficient) best_file = None best_n = sys.maxsize largest_file = None largest_n = 0 mask = re.compile(r'basex_basis_(\d+)_{}\.npy$'.format(sigma)) for f in listdir(basis_dir): # filter BASEX basis files match = mask.match(f) if not match: continue # extract basis image size (sigma was fixed above) f_n = int( # must be large enough and smaller than previous best if f_n >= n and f_n < best_n: # remember as new best best_file = f best_n = f_n # largest must be just larger than previous if f_n > largest_n: # remember as new largest largest_file = f largest_n = f_n # If found, try to use it if best_file: if verbose: print('Loading basis sets...') # saved as a .npy file try: M, Mc, M_version = np.load(full_path(best_file)) # crop if loaded larger if M.shape != (n, nbf): M = M[:n, :nbf] Mc = Mc[:n, :nbf] if verbose: print('(cropped from {})'.format(best_file)) except ValueError: print('Cached basis file incompatible.') if M is None: # generate the basis set if verbose: print('A suitable basis set was not found.', 'A new basis set will be generated.', 'This may take a few minutes.', sep='\n') if basis_dir is not None: print('But don\'t worry, ' 'it will be saved to disk for future use.') # Try to extend the largest available try: oldM, oldMc, M_version = np.load(full_path(largest_file)) if verbose: print('(extending {})'.format(largest_file)) except: oldM = None # (old Mc is not needed) M, Mc = _bs_basex(n, sigma, oldM, verbose=verbose) if basis_dir is not None:, (M, Mc, np.array(__version__))) if verbose: print('Basis set saved for later use to') print(' {}'.format(basis_file)) _bs_prm = [n, sigma] _bs = [M, Mc] _tr_prm = None # Check whether transform matrices for this regularization # are already loaded if _tr_prm == [reg, correction]: Ai = _tr else: # recalculate if verbose: print('Updating regularization...') Ai = _get_Ai(*_bs, reg=reg) if correction: if verbose: print('Calculating correction...') cor = get_basex_correction(Ai, sigma) Ai = np.multiply(Ai, cor) _tr_prm = [reg, correction] _tr = Ai return Ai
[docs]def cache_cleanup(): """ Utility function. Frees the memory caches created by ``get_bs_cached()``. This is usually pointless, but might be required after working with very large images, if more RAM is needed for further tasks. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ global _bs_prm, _bs, _tr_prm, _tr _bs_prm = None _bs = None _tr_prm = None _tr = None
[docs]def get_basex_correction(Ai, sigma): """ Internal function. The default BASEX basis and the way its projection is calculated leads to artifacts in the reconstructed distribution -- incorrect overall intensity for **sigma** = 1, intensity oscillations for other **sigma** values, intensity fluctuations (and drop-off for **reg** > 0) near *r* = 0. This function generates the intensity correction profile from the BASEX result for a step function with a soft edge (to avoid ringing) aligned with the last basis function. Parameters ---------- Ai : n × n numpy array matrix of the inverse Abel transform sigma : float basis width parameter Returns ------- cor : 1 × **n** numpy array intensity correction profile """ n = Ai.shape[0] nbf = _nbf(n, sigma) # Generate soft step function and its projection r = np.arange(float(n)) # edge center, aligned with the last basis function c = (nbf - 0.5) * sigma # soft-edge halfwidth w = sigma # soft step: stitched constant (shelf) and 2 parabolas (soft edge) step = PiecewisePolynomial(r, [(0, c - w, [1]), (c - w, c, [1, 0, -1/2], c - w, w), (c, c + w, [0, 0, 1/2], c + w, w)]) # (this is more numerically stable at large r than cubic smoothstep) # get BASEX inverse Abel transform of the projection tran = basex_core_transform(step.abel, Ai) # correction profile = expected / BASEX result cor = step.func / tran return cor
# The analytical expresion for the k-th basis-function projection # involves a sum of k^2 terms, most of which are very small. # Setting BASIS_SET_CUTOFF = c truncates this sum to ±cu terms # around the maximum (u = x / sigma). # The computation time is roughly proportional to this parameter, # while the accuracy (at least for n, k < 10000) is as follows: # cutoff relative error # 4 < 2e-4 # 5 < 2e-6 # 6 < 7e-9 # 7 < 1e-11 # 8 < 6e-15 # 9 < 1e-15 # The last one reaches the 64-bit floating-point precision, # so going beyond that is useless. # See BASIS_SET_CUTOFF = 9 # numerically exact def _bs_basex(n=251, sigma=1.0, oldM=None, verbose=True): """ Generates horizontal basis sets for the BASEX method. Parameters: ----------- n : integer horizontal dimensions of the half-width image in pixels. Must include the axial pixel. See sigma : float width parameter for basis functions oldM : numpy array projected basis matrix for the same ``sigma`` but a smaller image size. Can be supplied to avoid recalculating matrix elements that are already available. Returns: -------- M, Mc : n x nbf numpy arrays ``Mc`` is the reconstructed-image basis rho_k(r_i) (~Gaussians), corresponds to Z^T in the article. ``M`` is the projected basis chi_k(x_i), corresponds to X^T in the article. """ sigma = float(sigma) # (ensure FP type) nbf = _nbf(n, sigma) # number of basis functions if verbose: print('Generating horizontal BASEX basis sets for ' 'n = {}, sigma = {} (nbf = {}):'.format(n, sigma, nbf)) print('k = 0...', end='') sys.stdout.flush() # Precompute tables of ln Gamma(...) terms; # notice that index i corresponds to argument i + 1 (and i + 1/2). maxk2 = (nbf - 1)**2 # for Gamma(k^2 + 1) and Gamma(l + 1) lngamma = gammaln(np.arange(maxk2 + 1) + 1) # for Gamma(k^2 - l + 1) - Gamma(k^2 - l + 1/2) Dlngamma = lngamma - gammaln(np.arange(maxk2 + 1) + 1/2) # reduced coordinates u = x/sigma (or r/sigma) and their squares U = np.arange(float(n)) / sigma U2 = U * U Mc = np.empty((n, nbf)) M = np.empty((n, nbf)) # (indexing is Mc[r, k], M[x, k]) old_n, old_nbf = 0, 0 # reuse old elements, if available if oldM is not None: old_n, old_nbf = oldM.shape M[:old_n, :old_nbf] = oldM / sigma # (full M will be *= sigma later) # Cases k = 0 and x = 0 (r = 0) are special, since general expressions # are valid only if considered as limits; here they are computed # separately, using expressions that result from taking these limits. # In all cases the sigma factor in projections is applied afterwards. # rho_0(r) = exp(-u^2) Mc[:, 0] = np.exp(-U2) # chi_0(x) = sqrt(pi) sigma exp(-u^2) = Gamma(1/2) sigma exp(-u^2) M[:, 0] = np.exp(gammaln(1/2) - U2) for k in range(1, nbf): k2 = k * k # prefactor ln[(e/k^2)^(k^2)] ek = (1 - log(k2)) * k2 # Basis function rho_k(r) Mc[0, k] = 0 Mc[1:, k] = np.exp(ek + np.log(U[1:]) * 2 * k2 - U2[1:]) # Projected basis function chi_k(x) # full range of l L = np.arange(k2 + 1) # all ln Gamma(...) terms G = lngamma[k2] - lngamma[L] - Dlngamma[k2 - L] # Calculate chi_k(x) at each x_i M[0, k] = exp(ek + G[0]) # (u^(2l) = 1 for l = 0, otherwise 0) for i, u2 in enumerate(U2[1:], 1): # skip what was already filled if i < old_n and k < old_nbf: continue u = U[i] if u > k + 8: # beyond outer shoulder M[i, k] = 0.0 continue # index of the largest component lmax = min(int(u2), k2) # halfwidth of the important range delta = int(BASIS_SET_CUTOFF * (u + 2)) # summation limits: ±delta from the maximum, but within [0, k^2] minl = max(0, lmax - delta) maxl = min(lmax + delta, k2) # list of ln[u^(2l)] lnu2L = log(u2) * L[minl:maxl+1] # sum over the important range M[i, k] = np.exp(ek - u2 + G[minl:maxl+1] + lnu2L).sum() if verbose and k % 50 == 0: print('{}...'.format(k), end='') sys.stdout.flush() if verbose: print(k + 1) M *= sigma # applying the sigma factor return M, Mc