Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import pascal, invpascal, toeplitz
from scipy.special import legendre
from scipy.interpolate import PPoly, UnivariateSpline
    from functools import cache
except ImportError:  # no functools in Python 2
    def cache(func):
        res = {}

        def decorated(*args):
            if args not in res:
                res[args] = func(*args)
            return res[args]

        return decorated

__doc__ = """
See :ref:`Polynomials` for details and examples.

[docs]class BasePolynomial(object): """ Abstract base class for polynomials. Implements multiplication and division by numbers. (Addition and subtraction of polynomials are not implemented because they are meaningful only for polynomials generated on the same grid. Use ``Piecewise...`` classes for sums of polynomials.) Attributes ---------- func : numpy array values of the original function abel : numpy array values of the Abel transform """
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return an independent copy. """ other = self.__new__(type(self)) # create empty object (same type) other.func = self.func.copy() other.abel = self.abel.copy() return other
def __imul__(self, num): """ In-place multiplication: Polynomial *= num. """ self.func *= num self.abel *= num return self def __mul__(self, num): """ Multiplication: Polynomial * num. """ res = self.copy() return res.__imul__(num) __rmul__ = __mul__ __rmul__.__doc__ = \ """ Multiplication: num * Polynomial. """ def __itruediv__(self, num): """ In-place division: Polynomial /= num. """ return self.__imul__(1 / num) def __truediv__(self, num): """ Division: Polynomial / num. """ return self.__mul__(1 / num)
[docs]class Polynomial(BasePolynomial): r""" Polynomial function and its Abel transform. Parameters ---------- r : numpy array *r* values at which the function is generated (and *x* values for its Abel transform); must be non-negative and in ascending order r_min, r_max : float *r* domain: the function is defined as the polynomial on [**r_min**, **r_max**] and zero outside it; 0 ≤ **r_min** < **r_max** ≲ **max r** (**r_max** might exceed maximal **r**, but usually by < 1 pixel; negative **r_min** or **r_max** are allowed for convenience but are interpreted as 0) c: numpy array polynomial coefficients in order of increasing degree: [c₀, c₁, c₂] means c₀ + c₁ *r* + c₂ *r*\ ² r_0 : float, optional origin shift: the polynomial is defined as c₀ + c₁ (*r* − **r_0**) + c₂ (*r* − **r_0**)² + ... s : float, optional *r* stretching factor (around **r_0**): the polynomial is defined as c₀ + c₁ ((*r* − **r_0**)/**s**) + c₂ ((*r* − **r_0**)/**s**)² + ... reduced : boolean, optional internally rescale the *r* range to [0, 1]; useful to avoid floating-point overflows for high degrees at large r (and might improve numeric accuracy) """ def __init__(self, r, r_min, r_max, c, r_0=0.0, s=1.0, reduced=False): n = r.shape[0] # trim negative r limits if r_max <= 0: # both func and abel must be zero everywhere self.func = np.zeros(n) self.abel = np.zeros(n) return if r_min < 0: r_min = 0 # remove zero high-order terms c = np.array(np.trim_zeros(c, 'b'), float) # if all coefficients are zero if len(c) == 0: # then both func and abel are also zero everywhere self.func = np.zeros(n) self.abel = np.zeros(n) return # polynomial degree K = len(c) - 1 if reduced: # rescale r to [0, 1] (to avoid FP overflow) r = r / r_max r_0 /= r_max s /= r_max abel_scale = r_max r_min /= r_max r_max = 1.0 if s != 1.0: # apply stretch S = np.cumprod([1.0] + [1.0 / s] * K) # powers of 1/s c *= S if r_0 != 0.0: # apply shift P = pascal(1 + K, 'upper', False) # binomial coefficients rk = np.cumprod([1.0] + [-float(r_0)] * K) # powers of -r_0 T = toeplitz([1.0] + [0.0] * K, rk) # upper-diag. (-r_0)^{l - k} c = (P * T).dot(c) # whether even and odd powers are present even = np.any(c[::2]) odd = np.any(c[1::2]) # index limits i_min = np.searchsorted(r, r_min) i_max = np.searchsorted(r, r_max) # Calculate all necessary variables within [0, r_max] # x, x^2 x = r[:i_max] x2 = x * x # integration limits y = sqrt(r^2 - x^2) or 0 def sqrt0(x): return np.sqrt(x, np.zeros_like(x), where=x > 0) y_up = sqrt0(r_max * r_max - x2) y_lo = sqrt0(r_min * r_min - x2) # y r^k |_lo^up # (actually only even are neded for "even", and only odd for "odd") Dyr = np.outer(np.cumprod([1.0] + [r_max] * K), y_up) - \ np.outer(np.cumprod([1.0] + [r_min] * K), y_lo) # ln(r + y) |_lo^up, only for odd k if odd: # ln x for x > 0, otherwise 0 def ln0(x): return np.log(x, np.zeros_like(x), where=x > 0) Dlnry = ln0(r_max + y_up) - \ ln0(np.maximum(r_min, x) + y_lo) # One-sided Abel integral \int_lo^up r^k dy. def a(k): odd_k = k % 2 # max. x power K = k - odd_k # (k - 1 for odd k) # generate coefficients for all x^m r^{k - m} terms # (only even indices are actually used; # for odd k, C[K] is also used for x^{k+1} ln(r + y)) C = [0] * (K + 1) C[0] = 1 / (k + 1) for m in range(k, 1, -2): C[k - m + 2] = C[k - m] * m / (m - 1) # sum all terms using Horner's method in x a = C[K] * Dyr[k - K] if odd_k: a += C[K] * x2 * Dlnry for m in range(K - 2, -1, -2): a = a * x2 + C[m] * Dyr[k - m] return a # Generate the polynomial function func = np.zeros(n) span = slice(i_min, i_max) # (using Horner's method) func[span] = c[K] for k in range(K - 1, -1, -1): func[span] = func[span] * x[span] + c[k] self.func = func # Generate its Abel transform abel = np.zeros(n) span = slice(0, i_max) if reduced: c *= abel_scale for k in range(K + 1): if c[k]: abel[span] += c[k] * 2 * a(k) self.abel = abel
[docs]class PiecewisePolynomial(BasePolynomial): r""" Piecewise polynomial function (sum of :class:`Polynomial`\ s) and its Abel transform. Parameters ---------- r : numpy array *r* values at which the function is generated (and *x* values for its Abel transform) ranges : iterable of unpackable (list of tuples of) polynomial parameters for each piece:: [(r_min_1st, r_max_1st, c_1st), (r_min_2nd, r_max_2nd, c_2nd), ... (r_min_nth, r_max_nth, c_nth)] according to ``Polynomial`` conventions. All ranges are independent (may overlap and have gaps, may define polynomials of any degrees) and may include optional ``Polynomial`` parameters Attributes ---------- p : list of Polynomial :class:`Polynomial` objects corresponding to each piece """ def __init__(self, r, ranges): self.p = [Polynomial(r, *rng) for rng in ranges] self.func = sum(p.func for p in self.p) self.abel = sum(p.abel for p in self.p)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Make an independent copy. """ # make a basic copy with func and abel other = super(type(self), self).copy() # copy pieces also other.p = [pn.copy() for pn in self.p] return other
def __imul__(self, num): """ In-place multiplication: Polynomial *= num. """ # multiply func and abel super(type(self), self).__imul__(num) # multiply each piece also for p in self.p: p *= num return self
[docs]class SPolynomial(BasePolynomial): r""" Bivariate polynomial function :math:`\sum_{mn} c_{mn} r^m \cos^n\theta` in spherical coordinates and its Abel transform. Parameters ---------- r, cos : numpy array *r* and cos *θ* values at which the function is generated; *r* must be non-negative. Arrays for generating a 2D image can be conveniently prepared by the :func:`rcos` function. On the other hand, the radial dependence alone (for a *single* cosine power) can be obtained by supplying a 1D **r** array and a **cos** array filled with ones. r_min, r_max : float *r* domain: the function is defined as the polynomial on [**r_min**, **r_max**] and zero outside it; 0 ≤ **r_min** < **r_max** ≲ **max r** (**r_max** might exceed maximal **r**, but usually by < 1 pixel; negative **r_min** or **r_max** are allowed for convenience but are interpreted as 0) c: 2D numpy array polynomial coefficients for *r* and cos *θ* powers: ``c[m, n]`` is the coefficient for the :math:`r^m \cos^n\theta` term. This array can be conveniently constructed using :class:`Angular` tools. r_0 : float, optional *r* domain shift: the polynomial is defined in powers of (*r* − **r_0**) instead of *r* s : float, optional *r* stretching factor (around **r_0**): the polynomial is defined in powers of (*r* − **r_0**)/**s** instead of *r* """ def __init__(self, r, cos, r_min, r_max, c, r_0=0.0, s=1.0): if r.shape != cos.shape: raise ValueError('Shapes of r and cos arrays must be equal.') # trim negative r limits if r_max <= 0: # both func and abel must be zero everywhere self.func = np.zeros_like(r) self.abel = np.zeros_like(r) return if r_min < 0: r_min = 0 c = np.array(c, dtype=float) # convert / make copy if np.ndim(c) != 2: raise ValueError('Coefficients array c must be 2-dimensional.') # highest cos power with non-zero coefficient N = c.nonzero()[1].max(initial=-1) if N < 0: # all coefficients are zero # so both func and abel are also zero everywhere self.func = np.zeros_like(r) self.abel = np.zeros_like(r) return # for each cos power: highest r power with non-zero coefficient M = [a.nonzero()[0].max(initial=-1) for a in c.T] if s != 1.0: # apply stretch S = np.cumprod([1.0] + [1.0 / s] * max(M)) # powers of 1/s c *= np.array([S]).T if r_0 != 0.0: # apply shift m = max(M) P = pascal(1 + m, 'upper', False) # binomial coefficients rm = np.cumprod([1.0] + [-float(r_0)] * m) # powers of -r_0 T = toeplitz([1.0] + [0.0] * m, rm) # upper-diag. (-r_0)^{i - j} c = (P * T).dot(c) rfull, cosfull = r, cos # (r and cos will be limited below) # Generate the polynomial function self.func = np.zeros_like(rfull) # limit calculations to relevant domain (outside it func = 0) dom = (r_min <= rfull) & (rfull < r_max) r = rfull[dom] cos = cosfull[dom] # sum all non-zero terms using Horner's method for n in range(N, -1, -1): if n < N: self.func[dom] *= cos if M[n] < 0: continue p = np.full_like(r, c[M[n], n]) for m in range(M[n] - 1, -1, -1): p *= r if c[m, n]: p += c[m, n] self.func[dom] += p # Generate its Abel transform self.abel = np.zeros_like(rfull) # relevant domain (outside it abel = 0) # (excluding r = 0 to avoid singularities, see below) dom = (0 < rfull) & (rfull < r_max) r = rfull[dom] cos = cosfull[dom] # values at lower and upper integration limits rho = [np.maximum(r, r_min), r_max] # = max(r, r_max) within domain z = [np.sqrt(rho[0]**2 - r**2), np.sqrt(rho[1]**2 - r**2)] f = [np.minimum(r / r_min, 1.0) if r_min else 1.0, r / r_max] # = min(r/r_max, 1) within domain # antiderivatives (recursive and used several times, thus cached) @cache def F(k, lim): # lim: 0 = lower limit, 1 = upper limit if k < 0: return (z[lim] * f[lim]**k - k * F(k + 2, lim)) / (1 - k) if k == 0: return z[lim] if k == 1: return r * np.log(z[lim] + rho[lim]) if k == 2: return r * np.arccos(f[lim]) if k == 3: # (using explicit expression for higher efficiency) return z[lim] * f[lim] # k > 3: (in principle, k > 2) k -= 2 return (z[lim] * f[lim]**k + (k - 1) * F(k, lim)) / k # sum all non-zero terms using Horner's method for n in range(N, -1, -1): if n < N: self.abel[dom] *= cos if M[n] < 0: continue p = c[M[n], n] * 2 * (F(n - M[n], 1) - F(n - M[n], 0)) for m in range(M[n] - 1, -1, -1): p *= r if c[m, n]: p += c[m, n] * 2 * (F(n - m, 1) - F(n - m, 0)) self.abel[dom] += p # value at r = 0 (excluded above), nonzero only for n = 0 dom = np.where(rfull == 0) for m in range(M[0] + 1): k = m + 1 self.abel[dom] += c[m, 0] * 2 * (r_max**k - r_min**k) / k # help garbage collector to release cache memory F = None
[docs]class PiecewiseSPolynomial(BasePolynomial): r""" Piecewise bivariate polynomial function (sum of :class:`SPolynomial`\ s) in spherical coordinates and its Abel transform. Parameters ---------- r, cos : numpy array *r* and cos *θ* values at which the function is generated ranges : iterable of unpackable (list of tuples of) polynomial parameters for each piece:: [(r_min_1st, r_max_1st, c_1st), (r_min_2nd, r_max_2nd, c_2nd), ... (r_min_nth, r_max_nth, c_nth)] according to :class:`SPolynomial` conventions. All ranges are independent (may overlap and have gaps, may define polynomials of any degrees) and may include optional :class:`SPolynomial` parameters (``r_0, s``). """ def __init__(self, r, cos, ranges): for rng in ranges: p = SPolynomial(r, cos, *rng) try: self.func += p.func self.abel += p.abel except AttributeError: # first range self.func = p.func self.abel = p.abel
[docs]def rcos(rows=None, cols=None, shape=None, origin=None): r""" Create arrays with polar coordinates :math:`r` and :math:`\cos\theta`: either from a pair of Cartesian arrays (**rows**, **cols**) with row and column values for each point *or* for a uniform grid with given dimensions and origin (**shape**, **origin**). Parameters ---------- rows, cols : numpy array arrays with respectively row and column values for each point. Must have identical shapes (the output arrays will have the same shape), but might contain any values. For example, can be 2D arrays with integer pixel coordinates, or with floating-point numbers for sampling at subpixel points or on a distorted grid, or 1D arrays for sampling along some curve. shape : tuple of int (rows, cols) -- create output arrays of given shape, with values corresponding to a uniform pixel grid. origin : tuple of float, optional position of the origin (:math:`r = 0`) in the output array. By default, the center of the array is used (center of the middle pixel for odd-sized dimensions; even-sized dimensions will have a corresponding half-pixel shift). Returns ------- r : numpy array radii :math:`r = \sqrt{\text{row}^2 + \text{col}^2}` for each point cos : numpy array cosines of the polar angle :math:`\cos\theta = -\text{row}/r` for each point (by convention, :math:`\cos\theta = 0` at :math:`r = 0`) """ if rows is not None or cols is not None: # at least one array given # sanity checks: if rows is None or cols is None or \ shape is not None or origin is not None: # incompatible options raise ValueError('Arguments must be either ' 'two arrays rows and cols or ' 'shape=<tuple> and optional origin=<tuple>.') if rows.shape != cols.shape: raise ValueError('Shapes of rows and cols arrays must be equal.') else: # create rows and cols arrays for given shape rows, cols = np.mgrid[0.0:shape[0], 0.0:shape[1]] # prepare origin if origin is None: # default = midpoint row = (shape[0] - 1) / 2 col = (shape[1] - 1) / 2 else: row, col = origin # to absolute coordinates if row < 0: row += shape[0] if col < 0: col += shape[1] # shift "0" to origin rows -= row cols -= col # radius r = np.sqrt(rows**2 + cols**2) # cosine cos = -np.divide(rows, r, where=r != 0, out=np.zeros_like(r)) return r, cos
[docs]class Angular(object): r""" Class helping to define angular dependences for :class:`SPolynomial` and :class:`PiecewiseSPolynomial`. Supports arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication of objects; multiplication and division by numbers) and outer product with radial coefficients (any list-like object). For example:: [3, 0, -1] * (Angular.cos(4) + Angular.sin(4) / 2) represents :math:`(3 - r^2)\big(\cos^4\theta + (\sin^4\theta) / 2\big)`, producing :: [[ 1.5 0. -3. 0. 4.5] [ 0. 0. -0. 0. 0. ] [-0.5 0. 1. 0. -1.5]] which can be supplied as the coefficient matrix to :class:`SPolynomial`. Likewise, a list of ranges for :class:`PiecewiseSPolynomial` can be prepared as an outer product with a list of ``(r_min, r_max, coeffs)`` tuples (with optional other :class:`SPolynomial` parameters), where 1D ``coeffs`` contain radial coefficients for a polynomial segment. Parameters ---------- c : float or iterable of float list of coefficients: ``Angular([c₀, c₁, c₂, ...])`` means :math:`c_0 \cos^0\theta + c_1 \cos^1\theta + c_2 \cos^2\theta + \dots`; ``Angular(a)`` represents the isotropic distribution a⋅cos⁰ *θ* Attributes ---------- c : numpy array coefficients for :math:`\cos^n\theta` powers, passed at instantiation directly (see above) or converted from other representations by the methods below. """ def __init__(self, c): """ Weighted sum of cosine powers. """ self.c = np.ravel(c).astype(float)
[docs] @classmethod def cos(cls, n): r""" Cosine power: ``Angular.cos(n)`` means :math:`\cos^n\theta`. """ if not isinstance(n, int) or n < 0: raise ValueError('Power must be positive integer.') return cls([0] * n + [1])
[docs] @classmethod def sin(cls, n): r""" Sine power: ``Angular.sin(n)`` means :math:`\sin^n\theta` (*n* must be even). """ return cls.cossin(0, n)
[docs] @classmethod def cossin(cls, m, n): r""" Product of cosine and sine powers: ``Angular.cossin(m, n)`` means :math:`\cos^m\theta \cdot \sin^n\theta` (*n* must be even). """ if not isinstance(m, int) or m < 0: raise ValueError('Cosine power must be positive integer.') if not isinstance(n, int) or n < 0 or n % 2: raise ValueError('Sine power must be even positive integer.') c = np.zeros(1 + m + n) # binomial coefficients of (1 - cos^2)^(n/2) c[m::2] = invpascal(1 + n // 2, 'lower', False)[-1, ::-1] return cls(c)
[docs] @classmethod def legendre(cls, c): r""" Weighted sum of Legendre polynomials in cos *θ*: ``Angular.legendre([c₀, c₁, c₂, ...])`` means :math:`c_0 P_0(\cos\theta) + c_1 P_1(\cos\theta) + c_2 P_2(\cos\theta) + \dots` This method is intended to be called like :: Angular.legendre([1, β₁, β₂, ...]) where :math:`\beta_i` are so-called anisotropy parameters. However, if you really need a single polynomial :math:`P_n(\cos\theta)`, this can be easily achieved by :: Angular.legendre([0] * n + [1]) """ C = np.zeros_like(c, dtype=float) for n, a in enumerate(c): C[n::-2] += a * legendre(n).c[::2] # (SciPy's legendre() has backwards order and produces noise in # coefficients that must be zero, so indexing takes care of this) return cls(C)
# disable NumPy "ufunc" handling, which makes no sense here # and interferes with the overloaded multiplication operator __array_ufunc__ = None def __add__(self, other): """ Sum of two objects (might have different sizes). """ a, b, = sorted([self.c, other.c], key=len) c = b.copy() # copy the longer array c[:len(a)] += a # add the shorter array to the relevant part return Angular(c) def __sub__(self, other): """ Difference of two objects (might have different orders). """ a, b, = sorted([self.c, other.c], key=len) c = b.copy() # copy the longer array c[:len(a)] -= a # subtract the shorter array from the relevant part return Angular(c) def __mul__(self, obj): """ Multiplication by number or another angular dependence: return the resulting angular dependence. Outer product of radial and angular coefficients: return 2D array with rows corresponding to powers of *r* and columns to powers of cos *θ*. """ if isinstance(obj, Angular): # by another angular dependence return Angular(np.convolve(self.c, obj.c)) if np.isscalar(obj): # by number return Angular(obj * self.c) try: # piecewise ranges ranges = [] for rng in obj: r_min, r_max, c = rng[:3] c = np.outer(np.ravel(c), self.c) rng = (r_min, r_max, c) + rng[3:] ranges.append(rng) return ranges except TypeError: # otherwise -- by radial coefficients return np.outer(np.ravel(obj), self.c) __rmul__ = __mul__ __rmul__.__doc__ = __mul__.__doc__ def __truediv__(self, num): """ Division by number. """ return Angular(self.c / num) def __repr__(self): return str(self.c) + '.[cos^n]'
[docs]class ApproxGaussian(object): r""" Piecewise quadratic approximation (non-negative and continuous but not exactly smooth) of the unit-amplitude, unit-SD Gaussian function :math:`\exp(-r^2/2)`, equal to it at endpoints and midpoint of each piece. The forward Abel transform of this approximation will typically have a better relative accuracy than the approximation itself. Parameters ---------- tol : float absolute approximation tolerance (maximal deviation). Some reference values yielding the best accuracy for certain number of segments: .. table:: :widths: auto ======= =========== =========== **tol** Better than Segments ======= =========== =========== 3.7e-2 5% 3 1.4e-2 2% 5 4.8e-3 0.5% 7 (default) 0.86e-3 0.1% 13 0.99e-4 0.01% 27 0.95e-5 0.001% 59 ======= =========== =========== Attributes ---------- ranges : lists of tuple list of parameters ``(r_min, r_max, [c₀, c₁, c₂], r_0, s)`` that can be passed directly to :class:`PiecewisePolynomial` or, after “multiplication” by :class:`Angular`, to :class:`PiecewiseSPolynomial` norm : float the integral :math:`\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f(r)\,dr` for normalization (equals :math:`\sqrt{2\pi}` for the ideal Gaussian function, but slightly differs for the approximation) """ def __init__(self, tol=4.8e-3): # Reference Gaussian function. def g(x): return np.exp(-x**2 / 2) # Determine splitting nodes xs = [] # node positions # first (max. x) point: g(x) = tol / 2 x1 = np.sqrt(-2 * np.log(tol / 2)) # moving towards x = 0... while x1 > 0: xs.append(x1) # Find next point x2 such that max. deviation on [x2, x1] is <= tol # (SciPy tools don't like this problem, so solving it manually...) # 3rd derivative to estimate max. deviation derx1 = np.abs(3 - x1**2) * x1 * g(x1) # at x1 # constant factor for max. of cubic Taylor term M = 1 / (72 * np.sqrt(3)) # max. among mid- and endpoints def der(x2): xc = (x1 + x2) / 2 return M * max(derx1, np.abs(3 - xc**2) * xc * g(xc), np.abs(3 - x2**2) * x2 * g(x2)) # estimator of max. deviation def dev(x2): return der(x2) * (x1 - x2)**3 x2low, x2 = x1, x1 # initialize root interval devx2 = 0 for i in range(100): # (for safety; in fact, takes ≲20 iterations) if devx2 > tol: # switch to binary search (more stable) xc = (x2low + x2) / 2 if dev(xc) > tol: x2 = xc else: x2low = xc else: x2low = x2 # estimate (x2 - x1) from ~cubic deviation growth dx = (tol / der(x2))**(1/3) if x2 == x1: # for 1st estimate: dx /= 2 # carefully go only 1/2 as far x2 = max(x1 - dx, 0) # shouldn't go beyond 0 devx2 = dev(x2) # terminate on root uncertainty (tol is more than enough) if x2low - x2 < tol: break # make sure that outer parabola doesn't go below 0 if len(xs) == 1 and g(x2) > 4 * g((x1 + x2) / 2): # use node point that matches the limiting parabola (x - x1)^2 x2 = (x1 + 2 * np.sqrt(x1**2 - 6 * np.log(4))) / 3 # move to next segment x1 = x2 # add x = 0 to split central (last) segment if its max. deviation is # too large (estimated from quartic term) zero = (1 + g(xs[-1])) / 2 - g(xs[-1] / np.sqrt(2)) > tol # symmetric copy to negative x if zero: xs = [-x for x in xs] + [0.0] + xs[::-1] else: xs = [-x for x in xs] + xs[::-1] N = len(xs) # total number of nodes xs = np.array(xs) # midpoints positions xc = (xs[:-1] + xs[1:]) / 2 # values at nodes and midpoints ys = g(xs) ys[0] = ys[-1] = 0 # zero at endpoints yc = g(xc) # Create polynomial parameters cs = [ys[:-1], -3 * ys[:-1] + 4 * yc - ys[1:], 2 * (ys[:-1] - 2 * yc + ys[1:])] self.ranges = [] for i in range(N - 1): self.ranges.append((xs[i], xs[i + 1], # r_min, r_max [cs[0][i], cs[1][i], cs[2][i]], # c xs[i], xs[i + 1] - xs[i])) # r_0, s # calculate norm self.norm = ((cs[0] + cs[1] / 2 + cs[2] / 3) * np.diff(xs)).sum()
[docs] def scaled(self, A=1.0, r_0=0.0, sigma=1.0): r""" Parameters for piecewise polynomials corresponding to the shifted and scaled Gaussian function :math:`A \exp\big([(r - r_0)/\sigma]^2 / 2\big)`. (Useful numbers: a Gaussian normalized to unit integral, that is the standard normal distribution, has :math:`A = 1/\sqrt{2\pi}`; however, see :attr:`norm` above. A Gaussian with FWHM = 1 has :math:`\sigma = 1/\sqrt{8\ln2}`.) Parameters ---------- A : float amplitude r_0 : float peak position sigma : float standard deviation Returns ------- ranges : list of tuple parameters for the piecewise polynomial approximating the shifted and scaled Gaussian """ ranges = [] for r_min, r_max, c, r, s in self.ranges: r_max = r_0 + sigma * r_max if r_max < 0: continue r_min = max(0, r_0 + sigma * r_min) c = [A * cn for cn in c] r = r_0 + sigma * r s *= sigma ranges.append((r_min, r_max, c, r, s)) return ranges
[docs]def bspline(spl): """ Convert SciPy B-spline to :class:`PiecewisePolynomial` parameters. Parameters ---------- spl : tuple or BSpline or UnivariateSpline ``scipy.interpolate`` B-spline representation, such as ``splrep()`` results, ``BSpline`` object (result of ``make_interp_spline()``, for example) or ``UnivariateSpline`` object Returns ------- ranges : list of tuple list of parameters ``(r_min, r_max, coeffs, r_0)`` that can be passed directly to :class:`PiecewisePolynomial` or, after “multiplication” by :class:`Angular`, to :class:`PiecewiseSPolynomial` """ if isinstance(spl, UnivariateSpline): # extract necessary data, convert to compatible format knots = spl.get_knots() coeffs = spl.get_coeffs() k = len(coeffs) - len(knots) + 1 knots = np.pad(knots, k, 'edge') spl = (knots, coeffs, k) # convert B-spline representation to piecewise polynomial representation ppoly = PPoly.from_spline(spl) x = ppoly.x # breakpoints c = ppoly.c.T[:, ::-1] # coefficients (PPoly degrees are descending) # convert to PiecewisePolynomial ranges ranges = [] for i in range(len(x) - 1): r_min, r_max = x[i], x[i + 1] if r_min != r_max: # (some PPoly intervals are degenerate) ranges.append((r_min, r_max, c[i], r_min)) return ranges